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Recent content by Intouch

  1. I

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 Spell cooldown and reagents

    Hi! I was wondering how to edit spell cooldown and reagent cost via SpellMgr. E.g. #1 Original cooldown of spell is 1 minute but I want to change it into 10 seconds. E.g. #2 Arcane Briliance requires Arcane Powder, how to make it not costing anything instead of mana.
  2. I

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 command to re-load action bar

    Hello! I've been trying to create a command which will allow player to disable and enable pet action bar So far I coded part which will disable action bar but I don't know how to code part which will reload (enable) action bar from pet. So for instance, player has pet already spawned and he...
  3. I

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 Pet cast same spell as its owner

    I am trying to code a script which will let my pet (guardian) to cast the exact same (specific) spell I cast. Just pet will cast that spell on its target. I tried to code some custom scripts in pet scripts for it but it didn't worked well at all. So for instance, if player cast spell with...
  4. I

    [SOLVED] TrinityCore 3.3.5 CMAKE errors

    Hello! I tried to create a build solution for my sourcecode and I am getting those errors: CMake Error at src/server/logonserver/CMakeLists.txt:103 (add_executable): add_executable called with incorrect number of arguments CMake Error at src/server/logonserver/CMakeLists.txt:108...
  5. I

    [SOLVED] Change login system

    Greetings, I'm wondering how can I change login system on TC 3.3.5 to be similar as TC BNET 6.x.x. I meant, I want players to log with e-mail and password instead of logging with username and password. If someone know how and where to change that I'll be really thankful.
  6. I

    [SOLVED] Custom Script OnFirstLogin

    Hello! Can someone tell me how I can make script like this: It should be with OnFirstLogin function. It should check character realmid number and do following: If character is from realmid 1 then insert his guid id, char name, and number 1 SQL Table example: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS...
  7. I

    [SOLVED] Cross-Realm Feature

    Hello guys! Does anyone have an idea how Cross-Realm feature works. Informations about Cross-Realm feature: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10551009/patch-54-feature-preview-connected-realms-8-5-2013 So I'm just looking for suggestions and some kind of help (don't need scripts just ideas and...
  8. I

    [SOLVED] mana mod

    Hello! I made custom spell and now am trying to code it in core, so I want spell to do this: - If player have aura id 123456 , mod his mana from xxxx to 30.000 and everytime when he relog he should to have 30.000 mana.
  9. I


    Hello EMUDEVS! I tried to compile TC source code and after compiling I tried to run bnet.exe and world.exe but I get errors: http://prntscr.com/59c327 - BNET http://prntscr.com/59c3nb - WORLD I already installed that program and same version but I thinks that I need those .dll files but I...
  10. I

    [SOLVED] Arena Team on login

    Hello EMUDEVS! Does anyone know how can I make code which will auto-create arena team for new characters (ex. I made new char, I loged ingame and I have 2v2/3v3/5v5 (doesnt matter which one) arena team created)
  11. I

    [SOLVED] Compile Errors

    Hello guys, I have some compile errors which I don't know to fix: 6>C:\Users\Desktop\TrinityCore\GitCore\src\server\game\Battlegrounds\ArenaTeam.cpp(998): error C2039: 'first' : is not a member of 'ArenaTeamMember' 6>...
  12. I

    [SOLVED] Spell DMG reduce

    Hey EMUDEVS! Am trying to reduce dmg of some spells or to reduce spell dmg of one class So I was searching but i didn't find anything useful, this is only what i find... maybe to add some checks here ? (Ex. I want to reduce spell dmg of all priest spells for 30%) Or if it's not possible to do...
  13. I

    [SOLVED] Ressurection revive pet

    Hello! Is possible to edit paladin's and priest's ressurection spell to revive pets too ? (by default you can cast that ress. spell on pet, but when u are done... nothing happen :/)
  14. I

    [SOLVED] Compile Errors

    Hello I added Challenge System which I find on github, but I got some compile errors: 6>C:\Users\Desktop\TrinityCore\src\server\game\Battlegrounds\BattlegroundMgr.cpp(746): error C2653: 'BattlegroundSet' : is not a class or namespace name...
  15. I

    [SOLVED] Disable trinket proc in arenas

    Hello ^^ I was trying to disable items for arenas and I disable one part of that via DB adding flag for item, and they are disabled (part of that) Problem is trinkets which proc, like Deathbringer's Will trinket..... etc etc How can I disable that proc too ? Is possible to add check when...