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Recent content by Jafferwaffer

  1. Jafferwaffer

    Code Academy - SQL

    Hello! I got an email today that a new language is on Code Academy; SQL. I thought I would share this as learning some SQL can really help when it comes to database management and manipulation as well as furthering your understanding. For those of you that don't know, Code Academy is a free...
  2. Jafferwaffer

    Learn Spell On Levelup

    Hi! I found this script by uDev in an old folder of mine and decided to update it and modify it also. Original by uDev (Huge thx to him for going through and adding each spell!). The script is self explanatory it gives you the spell for you class that you should get at that level, like...
  3. Jafferwaffer

    [SOLVED] Compiling Errors

    Hi there! I just pulled the latest Eluna TC 3.3.5a source. Built the project with CMake, no errors. Clean the ALLBUILD. Build the ALLBUILD. Works fine for a while then last 2 projects fail. I have looked into the file path the error message is referring to and everyone of the files is there. I...
  4. Jafferwaffer

    [SOLVED] Gossip Text

    Hi, sure this is a simple question but when you speak to an NPC in a gossip what is the text called that isn't gossip? For example when you ask a guard where hairdressers is they respond by saying "down the road" or w.e but its still in the gossip window. Is there a method for this? I've had a...
  5. Jafferwaffer

    Group Commands

    Hello! This is a script for commands for players in a group. I have tested this on a Trinity Core with Eluna 3.3.5a (Latest Rev). Pastebin : http://pastebin.com/puXX4sac ---- Commands: .gsummon ~ Syntax : .gsummon [Player Name] ~ Summon target to your location. .gsummon all ~ Summon each...
  6. Jafferwaffer

    [SOLVED] Getting Target

    Hi there, just wondering the easiest way to get a player's target. I can only find the AITarget which won't work in my case as there is no threat. I would like to be able to get the target directly from UI or from text. Cheers Edit: Solved
  7. Jafferwaffer

    [SOLVED] Character Creation Bypass

    Hi there I'm trying to create a character and the worldserver is telling me that I have Player::Create:Possible hacking-attempt:Account 2 tried creating a character named 'Gruk' with invalid appearance attributes - refusing to do so I was wondering if there is a way to bypass this? Ty
  8. Jafferwaffer

    Learn Riding + mount automatically.

    Hi there, for my release I present you with EasyRiding. This simple script will give players the appropriate riding skill for their level. So lvl 20,40,60,70 and 80 the player will learn a new riding skill. A mount will also be put into the player's bag which will be race specific until flying...
  9. Jafferwaffer

    [Beginner] Smudge Tutorial

    Hello! Releasing another tut that I found on my image shack. Enjoy! - Any questions don't hesitate to post below. --Edit-- Seems the img isn't working. Here is a direct link! Click me.
  10. Jafferwaffer

    Anime Sig Tut

    Hello! I wanted to give something back to the community, as I'm poor at coding I thought I would release some tutorials I've made over previous years. If you guys like them then more will come, thank you! (XtremeGX is my Xbox name , which is why its everywhere :roll:)
  11. Jafferwaffer

    [SOLVED] Creating New Titles

    Hello, I am in need of some help with creating new titles for my server. I have been through various other tutorials on other forums, mainly *******, but they are outdated and there seems to be issues with them. I was wondering if it is possible to do with Eluna or any other method. I am running...
  12. Jafferwaffer

    [SOLVED] {SQL} Remote Connection

    Hello EmuDevs, I am in need of some help with getting my Trinity 3.3.5a server online. My friend and I are working together on this, I have the files for the server but he needs to be able to connect to the database through MySQL (and if possible be able to host the server). I was just...