• This is a read only backup of the old Emudevs forum. If you want to have anything removed, please message me on Discord: KittyKaev

Recent content by lillecarl

  1. lillecarl

    Convertible Laptops

    Hey there everyone! I just wanted to check if any of you have real life usage with any convertible Tablet/Laptops. I've been thinking about these: Microsoft Surface Lenovo Yoga Dell XPS 12 Macbook Air Now i know mabcook air isn't a convertible, but it seems like a great product. I want...
  2. lillecarl


    Hai thar, i googul n it sent meh to ze http://emudevs.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=tags&t=684, php error, was ist das? Bai
  3. lillecarl

    Crossfaction Battlegrounds

    I have no idea if i posted CFBG here before, but i thought id share it, and i just updated it to the latest trinitycore commit as well Here it is: https://github.com/lillecarl/trinitycore TC Rev: 19accfc3ee970146d36a832f670e774ba770feee Feel free to contribute fixes if you find any bugs! Or...
  4. lillecarl

    Written Just wanted to share something to people who have issues with port forwarding

    Hello everyone! This thread won't be as long and as well looking as other peoples threads. But it will give you the concept of making a server private without port forwarding and that gibberish that just refuses to work on your router! Okay: Either you port forward, or you pay a few bucks a...
  5. lillecarl

    Superbasic Windows Backup Tool

    Hello guys! Just wanted to share a simple backup tool that i put together. Prerequirements: MSysGit (Comes with gitextentions) https://code.google.com/p/gitextensions/downloads/list OR https://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list I put this in my Google Drive(Kinda like dropbox thing)...
  6. lillecarl

    [Linux/BSD/Darwin(Mac)] screen auto restarter & screen + gdb auto restarter

    Hello! I saw the previous restarters, and they were a bit messy for my head, so i decided to release the files i use to administer my mangos server. It's nothing advanced, atm there are quite many files. But if there are people requesting i could put some effort in making them more...