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Recent content by Zalvia

  1. Z

    cMaNGOS TBC ban announcer lua

    I am looking for an LUA Mute,Kick,Ban announcer
  2. Z

    interface chat icons

    I'm looking for a VIp icon and i want to find the other icons so if I need something I can get it (I need the codes) like blizz flag. After a search I couldn't find anything in Google. I just found images of them
  3. Z

    cMaNGOS TBC npc damage bug

    every npc hit me 1-5 damage even ones that are made by blizzard. Any solutions ?
  4. Z

    cMaNGOS TBC Duel reset

    function DuelDone(event, pWinner, pLoser) pWinner:ResetAllCooldowns() pLoser:ResetAllCooldowns() pWinner:SetHealth(pWinner:GetMaxHealth()) pLoser:SetHealth(pLoser:GetMaxHealth()) end RegisterPlayerEvent(11, DuelDone) That's the script I use it works but I want to add on duel start reset too...
  5. Z

    cMaNGOS TBC Slow compile

    It takes 5-6 hours to compile cmangos with eluna ? WTF ?
  6. Z

    cMangos 2.4.3 Custom Gm ranks

    How to make more than 3 custom gm ranks on cmangos elunalua engine 2.4.3 ?
  7. Z

    cMaNGOS Vmaps problem 2.4.3

    [SOLVED]Vmaps problem 2.4.3 I extracted the vmaps and put in the server data folder but when I go orgrimmar or any other city I havent tested yet I get this error and server crash. Server.long: and so on no idea it was corectly extracted
  8. Z

    [SOLVED] ElunaEngine Compile Error

    Well I clonned https://github.com/ElunaLuaEngine/ElunaMangosTbc since src/game/LuaEngine was empty I clonned https://github.com/ElunaLuaEngine/Eluna and pasted in LuaEngine folder then I compiled win/vc120 (I am using VS 2013) and following error popped up: I didn't tried to compile the...