• This is a read only backup of the old Emudevs forum. If you want to have anything removed, please message me on Discord: KittyKaev

Search results

  1. S

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 Is this possible, to make an area (not the whole area) with a PvP off?

    Hi there. Is this possible, somehow, to make a certain area for example a 5x5x5 yards square with pvp off, like a sanctuary, but on specified coordinates? The only idea I have is to check the coordinates in the world's 'update' method and turn the pvp off for everyone. Do you have any ideas...
  2. S

    Gossip Questgiver (couple quests) + additional gossip menu options in code

    Hi there! I don't know where is the 'help' board, so I'm sorry if this is a wrong section. Let's say that we have a Gameobject which is a questgiver. I have added 3 quests to it through the quest_template (and go_queststarter/enter tables). Now, I need to add additional gossip_menu_option to...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] Custom boss with loot for everyone that took a part in killing it

    Hello guys! I wrote some bosses in C++ using CreatureScripts but I have a problem now. I need to it distibute the loot with all of the players in a range. The problem is here, that bosses/scriptedCreature does not have any access to the area (to get nearby players, or something). The one...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Eluna command starting with '/' slash or '.' dot

    Hi there! Is there any way to read a command, for example '/teleport' as a command in Eluna? C++ checks it first and I have no idea how to achieve the goal. Tried with: function SomeCommand(event, player, msg, Type, lang) if(msg:lower() == "/teleport") then Thanks! Edit: I'm also trying to...
  5. S

    [SOLVED] Event launched every x seconds by an NPC

    Hi guys. I need to create an infinite script with a x seconds delay. I have already tried (just for testing): local function init(event, creature, diff) if(cooldown <= 0) then creature:SendUnitYell(diff, 0) cooldown = 5000 else cooldown = cooldown - diff end end...