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Search results

  1. X

    [SOLVED] Cmake Errors

    OS: Linux ubuntu 14.04 commit hash: 0892c71a16a1fc01822946bdb006eff5bdec9315 while run cmake getting these errors ... CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files...
  2. X

    [SOLVED] mysql config

    i have running TC on linux os (ubuntu server 14.04), is this mysql config is good enough to support 200 players ? [client] port = 3306 socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock [mysqld_safe] socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock nice = 0 [mysqld] user = mysql pid-file...
  3. X

    [SOLVED] unordered_map

    hi i cannot insert rows in unordered_map don't know why this don't work please correct me. i have included typedef std::unordered_map<uint64, bool> PlayerList; in player.h this is my code: static bool AddInList(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args) { char* Name = strtok((char*)args, "...
  4. X

    [SOLVED] storage players

    hello, i'm working on a script that's do something like these, .ticketoff <playername> this don't let player to makes new ticket, .ticketon <playername> this makes player to be able make a new ticket, i'm looking for a way to storage players,thats my problem i cant storage players list...
  5. X

    [SOLVED] Command Parameters

    hi there, i wanna makes a command takes 3 parameters like: .raid icc10n tank 5700 but i don't know how to extract them from args if needs more info please ask
  6. X

    [SOLVED] Grant Permission

    Grant Permission within C++ Hi there i'm looking for a way to grant permission to player Example: class Noob_Player : public PlayerScript { public: Noob_Player() : PlayerScript("Noob_Player") { } void OnLogin(Player* player) { if (player-GetSession->IsNoob)...
  7. X

    [SOLVED] Getting MMR

    hi there, i wanna get 2 mmr from team 1 and team 2 within this script ... any hint for how to get the second mmr for GetGamesStringData Function will help too much class Arena_Spector_NPC : public CreatureScript { public: Arena_Spector_NPC() : CreatureScript("Arena_Spector_NPC") {...
  8. X

    Don't Know

    hi there i wanna make a program that will send the user/pass automatically into wow.exe this is my Source #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <windows.h> #include <winuser.h> #include <conio.h> LPCTSTR WindowName = "World of Warcraft"; HWND Find =...
  9. X

    [SOLVED] Dont Send Message

    hello there, i have problem with dont send message whenever in worldserver.exe crash will happen, worldserver will stay in hang mode, until someone press the button OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
  10. X

    [SOLVED] Arena Queue

    hi there arena cant be start queue if one of the member of group is not same with others i wanna allow arena join without check the player faction, trinitycore
  11. X

    [SOLVED] RBAC Function

    hi budy is there exist a function to get player RBAC group id ? E.X if (player->GetGroup() = 1) { blah blah } Trinitycore
  12. X

    [SOLVED] Whats Wrong ?

    hi guys something within script doesnt work currently arena spec npc will not show the games are currently active trinitycore enum NpcSpectatorAtions { LISTGAMESL = 1000, LISTGAMESH = 1800, SELECTED = 3000 }; const uint16 TopGamesRating = 1800; const uint8 GamesOnPage = 15...