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Search results

  1. Lstm

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 Npc Innkeeper C++

    I'm trying to create a npc innkeeper in C ++, however it is not saving location What am I doing wrong? my script #include "ScriptMgr.h" #include "ObjectMgr.h" #include "MapManager.h" #include "Chat.h" #include "Common.h" #include "Language.h" #include "CellImpl.h" #include "GridNotifiers.h"...
  2. Lstm

    [SOLVED] CustomExtendedCosts

    Hello, I was looking for how to perform the measurement for my custom extendedcosts to appear as a message to the player http://i.imgur.com/vuSK5ly.png -- He is currently so I wanted to leave the way indicated above, can anyone tell me the steps I should take? http://i.imgur.com/h66I7XM.jpg
  3. Lstm

    TrinityCore WotLK Teleporte Eluna

    I was trying to add a submenu in my npc teleporting but it still fails to be very noob in Eluna, someone could provide me with some information to make such a change and leave according as I wish? I would also add a tools menu with Set My Hearthstone, Bank and Mail The script used is this! I...
  4. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Chat Global

    How could I add a global chat on my server using only the /1 or /5?
  5. Lstm

    TrinityCore WotLK Not work group specific area

    I have a question, I'm trying to add a PVP style area Gurubashi arena however did not want the players to come into the group there is a possibility of putting to not send group in an area or specific area?
  6. Lstm

    TrinityCore WotLK Riding C++

    I wonder how do I add a menu in C ++ by opening the trainer riding
  7. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Banker and Mail

    I am wanting to make a gossip menu to open the bank and email I'm using player->SendShowBank(player->GetGUID()); // Bank player->HandleGetMailList(); // Mail but encountered problems .. someone could tell me how would it be?
  8. Lstm

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 Npc Tools - Update

    There are other scripts with the same idea, however I come bringing news to each selected menu it indicates an aura referring to what has been chosen you! Note: Script Updated to the latest revision of TrinityCore sorry my bad english! ■■ NPC - TOOLS O que ele faz? √ Reset HP & MP √ Reset...
  9. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Gossip Menu

    Could anyone tell me how I do that instead of the menu to close it to return to the main screen? case 191: Enchant(player, player->GetItemByPos(INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0, EQUIPMENT_SLOT_FEET), ENCHANT_BOOTS_GREATER_ASSULT); player->CastSpell(player, 55420)...
  10. Lstm

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 CustomScript

    Hello, I'm working on a new revision of Trinitycore. However I am having some problems in time to add custom scripts, any custom script that I am adding generates an error; 1>------ Build started: Project: ZERO_CHECK, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 2>------ Build started: Project...
  11. Lstm

    [SOLVED] ScriptPCH.h

    Could anyone help me solve this problem? http://prnt.sc/abip16
  12. Lstm

    [SOLVED] My first programming

    Hello I am interested in learning how to program codes in .lua I picked up the basis for a script to enchant items however do not know how to perform the rest of the functions .. someone could send me some tutorial of how I would be doing the creating for this script? local npcid = 50000...
  13. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Transmog

    Problem appearing ... Can anyone help? I'm using git apply
  14. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Transmog

    I'm trying to apply the patch transmog Rochet2 And you see this error! I am trying to apply with git apply transmog.patch
  15. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Truice Error

    Hello, after installing the latest version of trinitycore encountered some problems however have less solves all this! The truice generates this error so I perform a search on an item or creature
  16. Lstm

    View layout 3.3.5a dev. Mayck TG (Lstm)

    my template development for Wow 3.3.5a LK http://mayck.pusku.com/expert.png
  17. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Start up DB erros

    I compiled my new trinitycore version Eluna https://github.com/ElunaLuaEngine/ElunaTrinityWotlk But after installing the database world generates a list of errors in DB Would anyone have a fix for this? Creature (Entry: 20902) lists difficulty 1 mode entry 21611 with `AIName` filled in...
  18. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Apply patch

    I have a problem to add patch or diff! A while ago I did in my files manually applied! The function by git (git apply name.patch or name.diff) simply generate errors! There is another command to add the patch correctly or have to manually add them again? http://prntscr.com/5gy0ab
  19. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Eluna in trinitycore

    I'm looking for some tutorial to properly install the latest version of Elune with trinitycore 3.3.5a someone could show me some valid tutorial? Thank you!
  20. Lstm

    [SOLVED] Awards of BG

    Hello, I have a problem .. I added a script to the winners and losers of earning their BG marks of honor according to BG Is working however the same prize is being sent to all BG's Example: When I enter Warsong Gulch warsong is gaining Mark of Honor, but when I joino in arathi etc. .. do not...