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  1. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] CompleteQuest() dosnt seem to work

    Latest Rev. (3ad7d9a7678510ab9a997ab0cae28920f7005bde) Apperently the :CompleteQuest does not seem to work for me, it says "objective complete" but the quest is still uncompleted. Any ideas?
  2. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] Player:SetPhaseMask()

    Hey ED Okey so im trying to change phase of a player after rewarded quest which works fine but as soon as the player relog he is back to default phase 1 How can i make so he stays in phase 2 until set otherwise by another quest? i know you can set it on spell_area in db but i cant remember...
  3. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] Change Max Talent Rank 5

    Hey, i've seen afew other posts regarding this but none helps me in any way. I managed to make each tier in the talent tree base on 1 point instead of 5 with client changes. However i cant seem to get the server side restriction removed from 5 to 1... #define MAX_TALENT_RANK 5 is set in...
  4. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] Quest Poi

    INSERT INTO `quest_poi` VALUES (28007, 1, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0); INSERT INTO `quest_poi` VALUES (28007, 2, -1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0); INSERT INTO `quest_poi_points` VALUES (28007, 1, 0, -10385, -2690, 0); INSERT INTO `quest_poi_points` VALUES (28007, 1, 1, -10379, -2712, 0); INSERT INTO...
  5. Nirelz

    Creature deal 0 dmg

    Hey. im not sure if this is required by a script but i couldnt figure out how to make it from db so I got a alliance guard and a horde grunt. These 2 should fight on spawn but i want them to deal 0 dmg to the other but when fighting a player have normal damage. As for the attacking i just...
  6. Nirelz

    GetData variable

    http://paste.emudevs.com/?paste=176 Script above i've added creature:GetMap():SetData("DM_BOSS", 1) To first boss script on death so when he dies the option to teleport to him enables Added this line to all 4 bosses with a change on the value (1) to 2,3,4 However. When i kill 2nd boss...
  7. Nirelz

    local / global variables

    Hey So im wondering if there is any way i can change a variable in script X from script Y without making it a global variable as its used on a boss that would effect all active fights against him... So can i change variable Z from script X when it triggers from script Y? edit: quick info on...
  8. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] [DB] Spell_bonus_data table

    Hey ED! First of all i made a custom spell with is 91234, a complete copy of Warlocks Chaos bolt (50796) As the scaleing of the damage output on warlocks chaos bolt is defined in dbc and db (spell_bonus_data) where it raises the damage by an % amount of your spell power. Now my question is how...
  9. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] MSVCR110D.dll missing

    Hey, so i got this wierd looking message poping up on my screen when running core on debug mode, MSVCR110D.dll missing. On release mode it works fine to start up but on debug i get this. I've 2013 version of visual studio installed on the host. If anyone could help me solve this issue i'd be...
  10. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] Emudevs toplist

    Hey, How can i edit my site on the toplist to add an banner to it? I did not have any banner at the time but im currently getting one made ^^ http://topsite.emudevs.com/
  11. Nirelz

    AI script

    Well not a major question but As some of my scripts are old and NOT useing the local mobname = {} and useage of prefix infront of functions (no idea what to call this method) However My core appears to be crashing at random points when most of my scripts are active. Is it possible that those...
  12. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] New dmg calculations

    Hey, no idea if this should go in here but its a trinityCore db update http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/Creature+classlevelstats+tc2 new columns: attackpower rangedattackpower damage_base damage_exp1 damage_exp2 comment They did not document this yet and im very curious to how the...
  13. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] Crit chance: 1.#J%

    Well im not sure if its core related but i recently noticed this happening on my realm URL to image and for some reason, 25 crit should not give over the maximum crit rate, it even goes -1.#J% when i take it off... None of the spells crit. I tried disable the config for crit chance cap and...
  14. Nirelz

    Eluna DB Query errors

    Hey, Anyone got any clue as to why i am getting "Bad argument #1 to 'GetUInt32' (Unit expected) when running this function local function OnDeath(event, creature, killer) creature:RemoveEvents() local playerid = killer:GetGUIDLow() local result = CharDBQuery("SELECT level,xp FROM...
  15. Nirelz

    Played time rewarding

    Description: It gives the player a special reward for staying online a certain time. I'm sure there is other ways to make this but im still learning Eluna :) Version: 1.1 Tested and working: Yes Source (Paste websites only): 5BjQfcpG Feel free to correct any spelling errors or maybe come with...
  16. Nirelz

    Update eluna and got tons of errors

    Hey, I recently went back into working on my server but as i updated my eluna (my old version was since november 2013) and now i noticed mostly 75% of all my scripts have errors in them due to outcommented functions... Most of them i found work arounds and replaced with other functions but...
  17. Nirelz

    SetFlag Index seems to be invalid

    I know i asked about this earlier but i never really got it working properly and the thread was closed so i ask again How is the index in SetFlag(index, flagid) handled? because i looked up how it was made and came up with this creature->SetFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE)...
  18. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] Question about player commands

    First of all i wish to say that i've tried these 2 http://emudevs.com/showthread.php/1207-Custom-Commands-RBAC and http://emudevs.com/showthread.php/1184-Permission-support-(All-because-of-rbac-Loving-it-so-much-right-now-)-) but neither solved my problem so im making my own thread. Okey...
  19. Nirelz

    Few function questions

    Hey i was curious how SendQuestTemplate and Respawn How those works I mean what to type in the () tags, cuz true/false dosnt seems to work on Respawn(Force) and i tried player:SendQuestTemplate(60013, true) on the quest template (Atleast i think this is the function to make a player get a...
  20. Nirelz

    [SOLVED] NPC Health cap

    Need help removing the 2100m hp cap, tired to do same as you do with item cap, change the uint16 to uint32, but in this case uint32 to uint64, didnt work :c My mobs keeps dying at 2100m+ hp so im guessing their getting negative health as items got negative when over cap :) Really greatful to...