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4.3.4 Databases?


Exalted Member
I'm currently running this Source Code from Trinity:


And I've ran the latest version of the Database named "TDB_4.3.4-15" from here: https://github.com/TrinityCoreLegacy/TrinityCore/releases
But a lot of tables aren't full. Like there's only 250 items in the item_template db for example. So clearly it's just an Update.

So where do I find the actual Database and not just an update?

4.3.4 uses a DBC file called Item.db2 I believe for items. I remember seeing it awhile back.



When Cataclysm came out it changed the items all together. Item.dbc became Item.db2 and I believe they changed it where only specific items are in the Items table in the database now, and the rest are pulled from db2.