• This is a read only backup of the old Emudevs forum. If you want to have anything removed, please message me on Discord: KittyKaev

ArcEmu Registration Page [Multi Core Supported]


I'm posting this Registration Script in all the core sections on the forum.

This page supports multiple cores simultaneously. It's not the best looking registration
page but it sure gets the job done. Fully tested on TrinityCore, ArcEmu and MaNGOS.
This is not a copy/rip/steal from anything. It was written only a day ago.

Just edit the include/config.php with your desired information and core selection.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask.

You can see this script in action here: http://emudevs.com/reg

It is very easy to edit and/or make your own. I will probably end up doing
some updates on this over time to make it more user efficient and more secure.

You can download this multi-core WoW registration script here: download

Please report bugs, not suggestions.

Cheers :peace: