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TrinityCore 3.3.5 Custom Gameobject Command - delete nearest Object


New member
Hei Emudevs :)

Info: I´m using TrinityCore merged with Eluna - the latest version.

I have a small problem about deleting Gameobjects since its so annoying to delete a specified Object.

Its alot of work to write down The gobject GUI everytime when you want to delete a wrong placed object.

well this is what I did, trying to make life easier,

I added a ChatCommand in gobjectCommandTable

{ "delclosest",  rbac::RBAC_PERM_COMMAND_GOBJECT_DELCLOSEST,  false, &HandleGameObjectDelclosestCommand,   ""	   },

Then Added The Handler to it... like this

//delete object without selecting any guid

    static bool HandleGameObjectDelclosestCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args)
           GameObject* object = handler->GetNearbyGameObject();

        if (!object)
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_OBJNOTFOUND, guidLow);
            return false;

        ObjectGuid ownerGuid = object->GetOwnerGUID();
        if (ownerGuid)
            Unit* owner = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer(), ownerGuid);
            if (!owner || !ownerGuid.IsPlayer())
                handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_DELOBJREFERCREATURE, ownerGuid.GetCounter(), guidLow);
                return false;

            owner->RemoveGameObject(object, false);

        object->SetRespawnTime(0);                                 // not save respawn time

        handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_DELOBJMESSAGE, object->GetSpawnId());

        return true;

I also created a new permission in RBAC.h :


    // custom permissions 1000+

red: the new one

and finaly I created these one for the Database

USE auth 
INSERT INTO `rbac_linked_permissions` VALUES (192, 1012); 
INSERT INTO `rbac_permissions` VALUES (1012, 'Command: gobject delclosest'); 
USE world
INSERT INTO `command` VALUES ('gobject delclosest', 1000, 'Syntax: .gobject delclosest deletes nearest gobject in world and delete it from DB.');

Well, 1. I recompiled 2. then I just used the released stuff. is it wrong ? is anything I should do after all these. or maybe everything wrong ?

Thanks in advance for your patience and any kind of Help.

greats :RpS_smile:


Moderator / Eluna Dev
btw. just in case you did not know, it is intended that you can do .gobject target and then you open the chat and write .gobject delete and then you should press shift and click the white link that you got from .gobject target. Then press enter.


New member
aw thank you :) better then nothing.

still would interesst me if what I wrote was correct or not :/ ... ^^

greats :)


Moderator / Eluna Dev
Looks fine to me I guess. I would have been lazy and used an existing permission though :p

Btw. "INSERT INTO `command` VALUES ('gobject delclosest', 1000, 'Syntax: .gobject delclosest deletes nearest gobject in world and delete it from DB.');"
The 1000 here should be 1012 right? Im not quite sure what that permission ID is used for though.


New member
Looks fine to me I guess. I would have been lazy and used an existing permission though :p

Haha normaly I am lazy too but i just want to know some new things ^^.

Btw. "INSERT INTO `command` VALUES ('gobject delclosest', 1000, 'Syntax: .gobject delclosest deletes nearest gobject in world and delete it from DB.');"
The 1000 here should be 1012 right? Im not quite sure what that permission ID is used for though .

Ahh yes i think this should be 1012 just to link the created one inside RBAC and those other C++ things

Okei emm I compiled it and recompiled and again and again ... well it is not working...

So I just did what you said at the beginning. In addition to That I found an Addon called " GM Genie". Its doing What I want haha xD.

Life is hard man lol
