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[SOLVED] Eluna Installation on CMangos TBC

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Hello everyone, I read this message because I would like to install Eluna on my TBC server but the thing is I don't know how to do such a thing. I use to compile my core from Cmangos github here : https://github.com/cmangos/mangos-tbc
But when I click on the installation guide to ElunaTBC I get CMangos core with Eluna inside : https://github.com/ElunaLuaEngine/ElunaMangosTbc

Is there any way to install Eluna without having to compile this Cmangos core ? Because this github is not updated anymore.

I hope my english is not bad to understand, thank for reading :)


Moderator / Eluna Dev
Hm, seems like a post I made here was lost due to a recent change.

Anyways, now all cmangos forks/clones are on latest cmangos.
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