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Getting Started Tutorial series


Respected Member
Hi there,

I am steff from Modcraft and one of the devs of noggit. I want to point out my tutorial series on MC that provide a full modding environment and bring you into WoW modding step by step. It is written and build to avoid the most common problems I have seen in my 4 years giving support for noggit.

I hope this will be usefull for you.


If you need help with noggit visit our noggit support board.


Als don´t forget to have a look at the manual and our FAQs


Also you can contact me always under:

ICQ: 557444853
MSN: project.modcraft@live.de
Skype: project.modcraft

Or just ask your questions here. I will have also a look on this board :)


Respected Member
Thanks for alowwing post it here. SOme baords are realy strange if its about linking to other resources on other boards.


Thanks for alowwing post it here. SOme baords are realy strange if its about linking to other resources on other boards.

Our Customization section is pretty much based on Noggit and character modeling, so for us to reject your links would be hypocritical of us =)


Our Customization section is pretty much based on Noggit and character modeling, so for us to reject your links would be hypocritical of us =)

Not only that, but it would make us look retarded since pretty much all of us have accounts on Modcraft rofl..


Respected Member
Yea. I never have seen modcraft as an competitive project to any other boards. It should only give a place for wow modderst handling only wow modding and nothing else :) And in the last month I got some aggresive feedback on posting links on other boards.

For me mc is my home but I always have a look around the web on boards also wow modding related and try to help people. Because I have a big dream of a full custom modded server and to do this I need many modders join and help. There are so less people in this that we will never get a full world done. As you can see reflected in the many finished servers out there :)

And this baord is also interesting to me because i did no serverside stuff for some years and we need some changes for modding on cores we can perhaps discuss and try to get handled.

So thanks for all the nice words :)


Respected Member
You know that there are also translations of many parts of the tutorial are online in sub boards :)


Yes, but wow modding project on XGM contains a bit more tutorial information then modcraft. Thanks to fearless_wind (you maybe know him from Modcraft)