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GM Addon


schmidts gm helper

hello guys, for a while now i've been contemplating whether or not to make this public, but seems as everyone keeps asking me to make it public & the fact that the addon was mostly localised to dispersion-wow staff, when a staff member left, they just seemed to take it with them even without permissions, so therefore i am making it public!

I would like to thank a friend of mine, who have helped me test the addon and helped me creating this post:

event master section

general actions
  • auto invite system - allows the players to whisper you the selected keyword for an automatic invite (keyword can be modified)
  • auto summon system - allows the players to whisper you the selected keyword for an automatic summon and it will also revive the player
  • custom reward system - allows the staff member to reward the players after an event
    • first - adds the first place x amount of coins (uses the command .reward 1 - easily modified to your own currency / item
    • second - adds the second place x amount of coins (uses the command .reward 2 - easily modified to your own currency / item
    • third - adds the third place x amount of coins (uses the command .reward 3 - easily modified to your own currency / item
    • fourth - adds the third place x amount of coins (uses the command .reward 4 - easily modified to your own currency / item
    • fifth - adds the third place x amount of coins (uses the command .reward 5 - easily modified to your own currency / item
    • custom amount - allows you to add x amount of your select reward to the selected player - uses the command .reward 3 (3 coins) and .reward 5 (1 coin) - easily modified to your own currency / items

general commands
  • group summon
  • mass ress (depends on server)
  • countdown (starts a timed countdown from 3-2-1 & go! It yells as well as shows the countdown in the window (can be cancelled if clicked before it ends)
  • ffa - free for all rules (can be modified for a payment)
  • pvp rules - generic pvp rules (can be modified for a payment)
  • stair rules - generic stair rules (can be modified for a payment)

teleport commands
  • type the player name
  • type the location
  • summon - teleport - group summon - group teleport

configuration options
  • maximum (can be used to set the maximum amount of players for the auto invite system)
  • keyword (can be used to set the keyword for the auto invite/summon system
  • reset all - resets all configuration options for the eventmaster section

ticket master section

tickets option
  • online (shows online tickets) - all (shows online & offline tickets)
  • ticket id - edit box (place the id of the ticket inside the box)
  • created by - editbox (can be ignored, simple press "tab" after adding the ticketid in the previous box & this section will auto-fill-in & also read the ticket out to you in your chatbox)
  • view (if ticketid is filled in this will read the ticket out to you)
  • start (when pressed it will do 3 things, 1). Assign the ticket to you 2). It will turn your whispers on 3). It will whisper x & give them a formal greeting & a multiple variation of welcome/more information regarding their issue request)
  • anything else? (when pressed it will ask the player if their is anything you can help them with)
  • finish (this button will whisper the person thanking for their time & wishing them the best of luck in the future)
  • close & delete (used after "finish" this will close the ticket, unassign, delete the ticket & add the ticket to a list of your completed tickets)
  • information (this will provide info about the player if the "created by" field is filled in)
  • mail (opens a new window with the "send to" & subject already filled in & a generic message, all you need to do is fill the message in, or use the "offline" button to send a generic offline message & then send the mail)
  • summon (summons the player if the "created by" field is filled in)
  • appear (appears to the player if the "created by" field is filled in)
  • joke (serves the player with a variation of 1-22 jokes (there can be added more custom jokes))
  • current session (lists all of the tickets the staff member has completed in this session)
  • reset session (resets all of the tickets in the current session that the staff member has completed)
  • icon: Voice horn (opens a chat window allowing staff to copy the list of tickets they have completed for easy logging on a forum/system)

teleport option
  • player field - location field (type the player name & location)
  • summon (summons the player if the "player" field is filled in)
  • teleport (teleports the player to the location described in the location field (requires player & location fields to be filled in))
  • group summon
  • group teleport

punishment options
  • account/character editbox (fill in either an account name of character name)
  • reason editbox (fill in this box to set a reason - used if you are about to ban/kick a player)
  • duration editbox (fill in the duration - used for bans to accounts/characters/ips)
  • information (this option will provide player information if the account/character field is filled in)
  • appear (this will appear the player if the account/character field is filled in)
  • mute warning (this will mute player x (if a player name exists in the field) & will send the player 1 out of 3 warnings, warnings are saved via saved variables in your wtf, so it keeps the warnings so that you can warn the same person even after you have re-logged, this setting resets after the player has reached 3 warnings, once the player has reached 3 warnings he will be automatically muted for 60 minutes for a chat violation)
  • mute character (mutes the character if a name is in the character field)
  • hack warning (will send a hack warning to a player, mostly used for people that are lagging & sending false warnings to your warden)
  • ban account (self explanitory)

download link: quad-gaming, all your hosting needs, css, minecraft, ts3, webhosting, email! - downloading schmidts helper

credits to © thomas "schmidt" - quad-gaming 2013-2014, http://www.quad-gaming.com

credits to schmidt
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