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How to compile SkyFire Core 4.0.6a{Video Tut..}


I do not understand why you do the tutor to 4.0.6 (Skyfire) If people want the latest patch 4.3.4 (TC). o_O

Doesn't matter. People use all patches, if you didn't know. There are probably more people playing 2.4.3 or 3.3.5 rather than 4.3.4, although a lot of them may be a private community. Either way, he's contributing and that's obviously allowed and should be respected despite the patch requirements of his tutorial.

I'll advise you on this, if you're coming from Ac-Web or any other emu site, try not to act like we do the same here -- because we don't. Pay more attention to where you're at.


I did it so badly .. And yes it helps but I just wanted to say that if he did tutor to the latest version of it would be useful .. -_-