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TrinityCore Language skill problem


Hi guys,
i'm having bit of a problem with race/class skills combinations, specialy with languages.
I've rewriten SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc and playercreateinfo_spell_custom, but i still don't see learned skills in skills menu on client.
It would not be a problem with weapons etc. but when i want to use a different language, i can't.
Can any one help me?
Thank you all by advance


For the changes to the DBC file(s), did you add them to a patch and clear your cache on the client side?

Are you adding custom spells or just mixing premade skills to premade races/classes? Either way, does the server know about these changes? If you make changes like these, then both your client and server should know about them. This is done with a patch (an MPQ file that contains the custom DBC file) for the client, and you merely "update" the DBC on the server side by replacing the old one (you should backup your DBC first on the server's side!)

I hope this helps! :)
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What i'm trying to do is give common language to blood elf race. I created the patch and also uploaded changed dbcs to server.


What i'm trying to do is give common language to blood elf race. I created the patch and also uploaded changed dbcs to server.

Could you show us your patch ? Also you must edit not only playercreateinfo_spell_custom but playercreateinfo_spell as well if i remember correctly that should be enough. since playercreateinfo_spell_custom is triggered only if you turn it on in configs (at least it was like that in older TC versions).


Characters in the game don't "learn" languages. Thus, we have to activate it. Allow me to show you how. :)


Take the image above, for example, skill 98 is the Common language that you're trying to activate for the blood elf race. If you look in ChrRaces.dbc (or on TC's Wiki here), you'll see that blood elves are identified by 10, or by their 512 value (or mask). (We, however, will stick with the ID of 10.) The first value in the picture is the ID, so if you use MyDbcEditor you should be able to search by ID and enter 590 in the field. The field that's selected (identified by the "perforation") has a value of 1101. What does that mean? Take a look below.

1101 is in decimal format. If we convert it to binary, then we get 10001001101. We read binary from right to left. Thus, humans know the Common language, but orcs don't. (The first two values on the right represent humans and orcs, respectively. Therefore, if you wanted to activate the Common language for blood elves, the binary would look like follows:

11001001101. This value doesn't do you any good. To save you the trouble, I've converted it back to decimal for you. The decimal value is 1613. Put 1613 in the field marked with 1101 above, save the file, patch it, add the modified DBC file to your server, clear the cache on the client side, and then try your luck.

You would repeat this same process above for the SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc file, too.

Let me know if this helps!:)


Sorry, had a vacation where i could not get to stable internet connection. Whitch dbc are you refering to, with that 590 field please? And ofc, thank you for your answer :)
//EDIT-Sorry, found it, its SkillLineAbility.dbc With all changes, it works now. Thank you :)
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