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[SOLVED] Play sound to all nearby players

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Super Moderator

i have a problem.. again. :<
I want to play a sound to all nearby players.
I found the following command: player->PlayDistanceSound(id, target);
Now i need to iterate through all nearby players to play the sound.
Is there a command like player->GetNearbyPlayersInDistance(10.0f)?



Moderator / Eluna Dev
The sound methods allow you to do it without getting players.
You just have to find the right way.
.. Ofc you can also get all players and so.

Eluna has a lot of methods coded. Its usually easy to go about and check those out :)
At least for me..
    {"PlayDirectSound", &LuaUnit::PlayDirectSound},         // :PlayDirectSound(soundId, player) - [COLOR="#00FF00"]Unit plays soundID to player, or everyone around if no player[/COLOR]
    {"PlayDistanceSound", &LuaUnit::PlayDistanceSound},     // :PlayDistanceSound(soundId, player) - [COLOR="#00FF00"]Unit plays soundID to player, or everyone around if no player.[/COLOR][COLOR="#FF8C00"] The sound fades the further you are[/COLOR]

    int PlayDirectSound(lua_State* L, Unit* unit)
        uint32 soundId = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1);
        Player* player = sEluna->CHECK_PLAYER(L, 2);
        if (!sSoundEntriesStore.LookupEntry(soundId))
            return 0;

[COLOR="#00FF00"]        if (player)
            unit->PlayDirectSound(soundId, player);
        return 0;

    int PlayDistanceSound(lua_State* L, Unit* unit)
        uint32 soundId = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 1);
        Player* player = sEluna->CHECK_PLAYER(L, 2);
        if (!sSoundEntriesStore.LookupEntry(soundId))
            return 0;

[COLOR="#00FF00"]        if (player)
            unit->PlayDistanceSound(soundId, player);
        return 0;

To get players you can do :
    float range = 10.0f;
    std::list<Player*> targets;
    Trinity::AnyPlayerInObjectRangeCheck check(player, range, false);
    Trinity::PlayerListSearcher<Trinity::AnyPlayerInObjectRangeCheck> searcher(player, targets, check);
    VisitNearbyWorldObject(range, searcher);

And then do w/e you want with targets list.
player can be any WorldObject to be used as the center of the radius.
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