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Quest with smart ai



Im new here, and my english have "Study" status. So excuse me, if i post wrong place, and my bad english.

I have a little problem, and i hope you can help me.

I want to create a quest, similar like


just without mount. and without script. Just smart_ai and-or, gossip.

I created a quest:

ID: 41
Method: 2
Level: 1
MinLvl: 1
ZoneOrSort: 3817
PrevQuestID: 351
RewardXPID: 4
sourceItemID: 16
Sourceitemcount: 2
Flag: 128
Title: The quest Title....
Objectives: Objectives
Details: Details.
OfferrewardText: Reward text..
RequireditemID: 45500
Requireditemcount: 10
WDBVerified: 12340

Other rows: 0

And created gossip:

Menu_ID: 2
Option_text: Redy to fight
option_ID: 1
NPCoptionNPCflag: 1

Other rows: 0

And smart_script:

Antry,orguid: 39
event_type: 62
event_chance: 100
event_param1: 2
Action_type: 36
Action_param1: 45
Target_type: 1
Comment: On gossip option select

Other rows: 0

And finaly the npc:

The quest giver:

Entry: 24
modelID1: 49946
Name: NPC name
Minlvl: 10
Maxlvl: 10
FactionA and H: 35
NPC flag: 2
Speedwalk: 1
Speedrun: 1,2
Scale: 0,9
Dmgmultiplier: 1
Inhabit type: 3
Regen health: 1
WDB verified: 12340

Other rows: 0

Quest mob

Entry: 39
ModelID1: 23226
Name: Cadet
gossip_menuID: 2
Min and maxlvl: 1
exp: 2
Faction A and H: 35
NPC flag: 1
Speedwalk: 1
Speed run: 1,2
Scale: 1
mindmg: 2
maxdmg: 5
Attackpower: 10
DMG multiplier: 1
baseattacktime: 2000
Unit_class: 1
Unit_flags: 256
Dinamic_flag: 8
Min-max rangeddmg: 3-5
Rangedattackpower: 10
Type: 10
Typeflag: 2048
AI_name: SmartAI
inhabit type: 3
Health mod: 70
Mana mod: 1
Armor mod: 1
Regen_health: 1
WDB verified: 12340

And the other rows: 0

In game this working, only 1 problem have this:

I can talk with cadet and i can fight for her, if i have, or dont have a quest, not drop the questitem, without quest, but i can fight for her, and i would like, to i can fight for her if i have the quest, becouse looks like buggy, and not nice. I know, to this is not the life biggest problem, but would like to solve this, but i dont know how.

I use trinity core, but i dont know, to TC or TC2. WOTLK client.
I think use repack, but when i tried other repack, i cant edit nothing. SQL files, or DBC nothing.
But this repack i can edit DBC world character outh database, i change loginscreen, character select screen lua file, i changed playeble classes, only for hunter, i changed characket models, for Alexstrassa, Ysera, Guldan, Sylvanas, Tyrande, Deathwing human form, and Nozdormu, added new icons, items, maps, I created teleport NPC only using gossip and smart_script. So i can edit many things, but not have .CPP files for example.
So i cant scripting, only gossip, and smart_script.

I hope you can help me. And sorry my bad english, and too long post.
And thank you, in advance the help.
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If I am not mistaken, the thing you want to "fix" is:
If player doesn't have quest -> Don't let player attack NPC
If player has quest -> Let player attack NPC
Is this correct?


I might be forgetting something but I can't think of any way to do it except with a gossip.
You can have a gossip show if player has the quest using the conditions table. When gossip is selected, change faction of creature (or flags, depends on what you want to use). That should work.