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[Sublime Text 3] ElunaSnippets


Emulation Addict

this plugin provides snippet for all functions, currently inside Eluna.
Every snippet has the tag Eluna as the description followed by the group it is from, e.g. Eluna : UNIT or Eluna : PLR (Player).
There is an extra snippet called ElunaAPI, which gives you the website for the API.

The only way to install the plugin is manual by extracting the .zip file by two methods.
- C:\Users\%NAME%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages
- or type %appdata% into a folder path and it will automatically locate to 'Roaming' folder.

If any mistakes occur, feedback to the source would be appreciated, for other users downloading the file.
# Please be precise where the mistake is.


  • ElunaSnippets.zip
    401.9 KB · Views: 38
Last edited:


Super Moderator
Well, i might have a reason to test Sublime for longer than 2 minutes now.
Thanks for your release. :)