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[Trinitycore] MultiVendor 3.3.5a


Error Item not found

I'm having this error


I think the problem is with the "npc_vendor" table, because if I put the "entry" of the npc does not show me the error.

But when an NPC has more than one category, only works a category that has the same id of the NPC

forgive me for my bad English


So if there is an error in the script? I thought that the problem could be due to poor installation or configuration.


Moderator / Eluna Dev
So if there is an error in the script? I thought that the problem could be due to poor installation or configuration.

There may be, unless you installed it manually, then it may be your error. Or if you are not using it on: TC wotlk.
Could also be some change TC made recently.


There may be, unless you installed it manually, then it may be your error. Or if you are not using it on: TC wotlk.
Could also be some change TC made recently.

I installed according to the guide, this time it was not necessary to perform any manual change
when git merge the changes, showed no errors.
I check the files that change and it seems to be all right.

forgive me for my bad English


Moderator / Eluna Dev
I installed according to the guide, this time it was not necessary to perform any manual change
when git merge the changes, showed no errors.
I check the files that change and it seems to be all right.

forgive me for my bad English

Alright, solved.
Check the newest version on gist.


Epic Member
Just set it up about an hour ago on a fresh compile, so unless it just broke, it's still working.

He may be talking about your SQL, which is indeed out of date.


Moderator / Eluna Dev
Just set it up about an hour ago on a fresh compile, so unless it just broke, it's still working.

He may be talking about your SQL, which is indeed out of date.

are you talking about 6.x SQL? The 3.3.5 works fine.

Edit: also 6.x works fine so no idea what you are talking about. Can you elaborate?
Last edited:


Epic Member
INSERT INTO `creature_template` (`entry`, `modelid1`, `name`, `subname`, `IconName`, `gossip_menu_id`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `exp`, `faction_A`, `faction_H`, `npcflag`, `speed_walk`, `speed_run`, `scale`, `rank`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `dmgschool`, `attackpower`, `dmg_multiplier`, `baseattacktime`, `rangeattacktime`, `unit_class`, `unit_flags`, `unit_flags2`, `dynamicflags`, `family`, `trainer_type`, `trainer_spell`, `trainer_class`, `trainer_race`, `minrangedmg`, `maxrangedmg`, `rangedattackpower`, `type`, `type_flags`, `lootid`, `pickpocketloot`, `skinloot`, `PetSpellDataId`, `VehicleId`, `mingold`, `maxgold`, `AIName`, `MovementType`, `InhabitType`, `HoverHeight`, `Health_mod`, `Mana_mod`, `Armor_mod`, `RacialLeader`, `movementId`, `RegenHealth`, `equipment_id`, `mechanic_immune_mask`, `flags_extra`, `ScriptName`, `WDBVerified`) VALUES
(700001, 1298, "Herbert", "MultiVendor", NULL, 22000, 10, 10, 0, 35, 35, 129, 1, 1.14286, 1, 0, 13, 17, 0, 42, 1, 1500, 0, 1, 512, 2048, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 13, 100, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, '', 12340);
/* SQL Error (1054): Unknown column 'faction_A' in 'field list' */
/* Affected rows: 0  Found rows: 0  Warnings: 0  Duration for 0 of 1 query: 0.000 sec. */

ElunaTrinityWotlk Rev. 5eaecdbb0be1


Moderator / Eluna Dev
INSERT INTO `creature_template` (`entry`, `modelid1`, `name`, `subname`, `IconName`, `gossip_menu_id`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `exp`, `faction_A`, `faction_H`, `npcflag`, `speed_walk`, `speed_run`, `scale`, `rank`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `dmgschool`, `attackpower`, `dmg_multiplier`, `baseattacktime`, `rangeattacktime`, `unit_class`, `unit_flags`, `unit_flags2`, `dynamicflags`, `family`, `trainer_type`, `trainer_spell`, `trainer_class`, `trainer_race`, `minrangedmg`, `maxrangedmg`, `rangedattackpower`, `type`, `type_flags`, `lootid`, `pickpocketloot`, `skinloot`, `PetSpellDataId`, `VehicleId`, `mingold`, `maxgold`, `AIName`, `MovementType`, `InhabitType`, `HoverHeight`, `Health_mod`, `Mana_mod`, `Armor_mod`, `RacialLeader`, `movementId`, `RegenHealth`, `equipment_id`, `mechanic_immune_mask`, `flags_extra`, `ScriptName`, `WDBVerified`) VALUES
(700001, 1298, "Herbert", "MultiVendor", NULL, 22000, 10, 10, 0, 35, 35, 129, 1, 1.14286, 1, 0, 13, 17, 0, 42, 1, 1500, 0, 1, 512, 2048, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 13, 100, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, '', 12340);
/* SQL Error (1054): Unknown column 'faction_A' in 'field list' */
/* Affected rows: 0  Found rows: 0  Warnings: 0  Duration for 0 of 1 query: 0.000 sec. */

ElunaTrinityWotlk Rev. 5eaecdbb0be1

Haha, no wonder I had no idea what you were talking about.
The SQL is probably years old version that was just in this thread, not from where the newest release is at.
If the download link was followed the newest release was to be found with new SQLs.

I now removed the old code from here so ppl dont try to run that.


Moderator / Eluna Dev
I actually copy/pasted it and it worked.

Running Debian 8, using 3.3.5a Trinity + Eluna

Thats because you are running linux. On windows copy pasting doesnt work due to windows style line endings being used due to the copy pasting.
The diff should use unix style line endings that are replaced by windows on copy paste. :)

So to get rid of that the general guide is not to copy paste.


Exalted Member
A question not sure if that will make any difference, but when you set up Git it ask you if you want to use overwrite windows cmd and some binaries with Linux if i remember correctly, will that make it possible to just copy and paste or is that totally irrelevant?


Moderator / Eluna Dev
A question not sure if that will make any difference, but when you set up Git it ask you if you want to use overwrite windows cmd and some binaries with Linux if i remember correctly, will that make it possible to just copy and paste or is that totally irrelevant?

No idea what you mean, but copypasting never sounds good, especially when we talk about patches that affect different existing files and programs etc. And need to take into account that everything is on different version of eachother, so copy pasting will likely mix up different versions causing errors etc.

If you meant the copypasting of a diff directly, then that has to do with line endings that the clipboard does and git cant handle (git uses linux line endings and windows copy paste converts them to windows style line endings)