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Recent content by faiver

  1. faiver

    all sql updates in one of your core.

    create .bat example updates.bat y paste n the root folder of your core aggre this code @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set WorldUpdates=All_World_Updates.sql set CharactersUpdates=All_Characters_Updates.sql set AuthUpdates=All_Auth_Updates.sql if exist %CharactersUpdates% del...
  2. faiver

    [SOLVED] GetPlayer ': is not a member of' Player '

    line if (Player* plr = Player::GetPlayer(*player, itr->guid)) { if (USE_TOKEN) { sprintf(msg, "Accept %s's Challenge of %u tokens"...
  3. faiver

    [SOLVED] crash server when closing the game.

    server.txt BattlegroundQueue: couldn't find player line BattlegroundQueue.cpp //remove player from map, if he's there itr = m_QueuedPlayers.find(guid); if (itr == m_QueuedPlayers.end()) { std::string playerName = "Unknown"; if (Player* player =...
  4. faiver

    create a custom achievement

    how to create a custom achievement? changed. Achievement_Category.dbc but not seen in the interface could someone please help me.
  5. faiver

    my first BG ejewow

  6. faiver

    [SOLVED] create a custom island vmaps?

    how to create a custom island vmaps? I have my island created. map name esparta works perfectly I only need the vmaps. Sparta map id is 1200 I have the latest version of TrinityCore. thx
  7. faiver

    [SOLVED] vmaps error

    create a new map 1200 but I get this error VMap file './vmaps/1200.vmtree' is missing or points to wrong version of vmap file. Redo vmaps with latest version of vmap_assembler.exe. thx
  8. faiver

    WorldSession :: SendListInventory

    Hello friends trying to compile I get the following error line (1273): error C2660WorldSession :: SendListInventory': function does not accept 2 arguments Line 1273 player->GetSession()->SendListInventory(item->GetGUID(), 700020); Thx
  9. faiver

    [SOLVED] GetPlayer': is not a member

    'GetPlayer': is not a member of 'ObjectMgr' //Line Player* player = sObjectMgr->GetPlayer(to.c_str()); Thank you very much for your help
  10. faiver

    Around a bit

    around a bit. here you will find many codes that will be able to help. https://github.com/codels/TrinityNya https://github.com/Vitasic/Patch https://github.com/ArcPro/Script-Land I hope you like that has a lot
  11. faiver

    Summon Bosses

    http://pastebin.com/PunKuF2Y these codes are some of the ones I have in my server then I will continue sharing with you. thank you very much to all that with your help I am learning every day more.
  12. faiver

    Boss Announcer

    #include "ScriptPCH.h" class Boss_Announcer : public PlayerScript { public: Boss_Announcer() : PlayerScript ("Boss_Announcer") {} void OnCreatureKill(Player* player, Creature* boss) { if (boss->isWorldBoss()) { std::string plr = player->GetName()...
  13. faiver

    Npc welcome :)

    +riding +skills +dual specialization +and all spell of class http://pastebin.com/uER04w6p
  14. faiver

    [SOLVED] GetSessionDbcLocal

    could help me with this error. when I try to compile 14>C:\Users\fear\Downloads\TrinityCore\src\server\scripts\Custom\profesion.cpp(74): error C2039: 'GetSessionDbcLocal' : no es un miembro de 'ChatHandler' 14> C:/Users/fear/Downloads/TrinityCore/src/server/game/Chat\Chat.h(49) : vea...
  15. faiver

    Emudevs :)

    Hope you like :) 3.3.5A demo: Download Edited: Use different links.