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  1. faiver

    all sql updates in one of your core.

    create .bat example updates.bat y paste n the root folder of your core aggre this code @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set WorldUpdates=All_World_Updates.sql set CharactersUpdates=All_Characters_Updates.sql set AuthUpdates=All_Auth_Updates.sql if exist %CharactersUpdates% del...
  2. faiver

    [SOLVED] GetPlayer ': is not a member of' Player '

    line if (Player* plr = Player::GetPlayer(*player, itr->guid)) { if (USE_TOKEN) { sprintf(msg, "Accept %s's Challenge of %u tokens"...
  3. faiver

    [SOLVED] crash server when closing the game.

    server.txt BattlegroundQueue: couldn't find player line BattlegroundQueue.cpp //remove player from map, if he's there itr = m_QueuedPlayers.find(guid); if (itr == m_QueuedPlayers.end()) { std::string playerName = "Unknown"; if (Player* player =...
  4. faiver

    create a custom achievement

    how to create a custom achievement? changed. Achievement_Category.dbc but not seen in the interface could someone please help me.
  5. faiver

    my first BG ejewow

  6. faiver

    [SOLVED] create a custom island vmaps?

    how to create a custom island vmaps? I have my island created. map name esparta works perfectly I only need the vmaps. Sparta map id is 1200 I have the latest version of TrinityCore. thx
  7. faiver

    [SOLVED] vmaps error

    create a new map 1200 but I get this error VMap file './vmaps/1200.vmtree' is missing or points to wrong version of vmap file. Redo vmaps with latest version of vmap_assembler.exe. thx
  8. faiver

    WorldSession :: SendListInventory

    Hello friends trying to compile I get the following error line (1273): error C2660WorldSession :: SendListInventory': function does not accept 2 arguments Line 1273 player->GetSession()->SendListInventory(item->GetGUID(), 700020); Thx
  9. faiver

    [SOLVED] GetPlayer': is not a member

    'GetPlayer': is not a member of 'ObjectMgr' //Line Player* player = sObjectMgr->GetPlayer(to.c_str()); Thank you very much for your help
  10. faiver

    Around a bit

    around a bit. here you will find many codes that will be able to help. https://github.com/codels/TrinityNya https://github.com/Vitasic/Patch https://github.com/ArcPro/Script-Land I hope you like that has a lot
  11. faiver

    Summon Bosses

    http://pastebin.com/PunKuF2Y these codes are some of the ones I have in my server then I will continue sharing with you. thank you very much to all that with your help I am learning every day more.
  12. faiver

    Boss Announcer

    #include "ScriptPCH.h" class Boss_Announcer : public PlayerScript { public: Boss_Announcer() : PlayerScript ("Boss_Announcer") {} void OnCreatureKill(Player* player, Creature* boss) { if (boss->isWorldBoss()) { std::string plr = player->GetName()...
  13. faiver

    Npc welcome :)

    +riding +skills +dual specialization +and all spell of class http://pastebin.com/uER04w6p
  14. faiver

    [SOLVED] GetSessionDbcLocal

    could help me with this error. when I try to compile 14>C:\Users\fear\Downloads\TrinityCore\src\server\scripts\Custom\profesion.cpp(74): error C2039: 'GetSessionDbcLocal' : no es un miembro de 'ChatHandler' 14> C:/Users/fear/Downloads/TrinityCore/src/server/game/Chat\Chat.h(49) : vea...
  15. faiver

    Emudevs :)

    Hope you like :) 3.3.5A demo: Download Edited: Use different links.
  16. faiver

    [SOLVED] anticheat

    Hello friends I could recommend a anticheat for TrinityCore 3.3.5a?
  17. faiver

    [SOLVED] crash server

    db updated rev 52 the tdb and now I get these errors. dberror.log Loading Creature Linked Respawn... Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 135134 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 135135 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 135136 Couldn't get creature data for GUIDLow 135137 Couldn't...
  18. faiver

    Truice 1.3.7 updated

    http://filebeam.com/dedd4742b56a3aee3ed595f3c895e10f thx Chaosua
  19. faiver

    Npc reset health mana and cd

    talking to a npc which will reset you what selections. CD or health and mana http://pastebin.com/qd4xaMw5
  20. faiver

    Reset health mana and cd duel :)

    this code does is reset health and mana cd useful for pvp :) http://pastebin.com/P0Nhs2Ky