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Search results

  1. uDev

    [SOLVED] [Trinity] Trainers

    So i've created npc, and i've added values in npc_trainer table but for somereason when i click my npc nothing happens? Any idea? http://screencast.com/t/d1Oba69ggFBB
  2. uDev

    [SOLVED] REstart command

    Hey guys i've been searching around for post i remember there was long time ago.. I need way to allow my admins or myself from game to reload eluna? is it still possible?
  3. uDev

    [SOLVED] All CLass All race

    Hello everyone, anyone got tutorial or something how to make all races to be able to use all classes?
  4. uDev


    Can someone please provide me informations where is located realmlist.wtf or what needs to be edited to be able to play private servers in classic wow, tbc, cata and mop? I want to update my Realm Keeper to works for all expansions :)
  5. uDev

    Support Member Award

    Since this is general support category, I wanted to know are we allowed to ask for user award give? If we are I would like to see DarkAngel getting Why? Because he is helping everyone in Eluna section on code fixes and also coding for others. Also I can say that he coded few scripts for me and...
  6. uDev

    Start positions

    Is it possible to make on new char creation, when that char get in-game it starts on radom location using random.math ? So example we have 10 locations, now new character will get spawned randomly selected in one of them ?
  7. uDev

    [SOLVED] TaskBar

    Any possible way to hide auth and world from taskbar? :P
  8. uDev

    [Release - Beta] RealmKeeper

    RealmKeeper RealmKeeper is tiny tool that will allow you to insert and keep all your server realms in one place, no need anymore to change realmlist nor deleting cache manually! Features: Can handle unlimited Servers. Can edit Server details. Can clear cache. Can automatically clear...
  9. uDev

    Npc loot

    Is it possible with eluna to check when you kill npc if it dropped lets say item with id 1337 ? Im trying to make something like this: local npcId = 123 local itemid = 1337 local function WhenDie(event, creature, killer) if(killer:GetObjectType() == "Player") then ' here needs check if...
  10. uDev

    [SOLVED] Donation Vendor

    Does anyone have some script or anything for TrinityCore for donation vendor?
  11. uDev

    Trying to convert one script

    Hello everyone, so im trying to convert this script: http://pastebin.com/aTg9hFkj And I'm stuck can't find time played of player?
  12. uDev

    [SOLVED] items.dbc from sql

    Is there any possible way to import sql into dbc instead adding manually row by row? I have over 1k items and it will take a while to add them by hand?
  13. uDev

    Password box

    Is it possible to show message box where u can input password on object right click with eluna ? :S
  14. uDev

    Revestation Launcher

    My work in progress :3 http://screencast.com/t/TNISudmD - Play on hover http://screencast.com/t/iZeAGYLqS - Normal buttons http://screencast.com/t/svyRW9Zo5j - website on hover :3 Coding in C#, its actually coding not graphic designing!
  15. uDev

    uDev Review

    Well first of all I wanted to say hello to everyone, so this could be my somewhat community review. I would like to congratulate staff members for their activity on this community, that is really big PLUS for communities like this one, and there are no so much communities that have staff with...
  16. uDev

    Setting creature orientation

    Hey guys, I want to make my creature spin around, so i need to edit its 'O'. I know LuaHypArc had command like :SetOrientation() and i can't find anything similar on eluna wiki. Please help me out?
  17. uDev

    [Weekly] Fresh Core Compiles

    ______________________________________ Welcome to µDev's Compiling Service _________________________________________________ Hello everyone, from now on you would be able to get from this post weekly compiled fresh trinity cores for 32 and 64bit windows! If you want to get compiled with...
  18. uDev

    Token Level-Up

    This script is made for token levelups so if player right click on item it gets levelup by count of how many he has. Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/aADnRSz2
  19. uDev


    Umm is it working? Did i do something wrong? No error, and yet when i leave combat i dont get message? :S Strange huh? function LeftCombat(event, player) player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cFFFF0000You left combat!|r") end RegisterServerHook(79, LeftCombat)
  20. uDev

    Spell on level-up

    Hello everyone, this is script almost same as MCRAIDERs. No more needed to download scripts for each class separate, also script is cleaned and made with arrays. So first of all I would like to say Thank YOU to McRadier for idea and older script. Also thanks to Foreaper and Rochet2. Here is...