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Search results

  1. P

    [SOLVED] Arena auto Flush

    Hello I wanted to know how to change the time of auto flush for 2 days.. # # Arena.AutoDistributePoints # Description: Automatically distribute arena points. # Default: 0 - (Disabled) # 1 - (Enabled) Arena.AutoDistributePoints = 1 # #...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Quest Item drop rate not working

    Hello. am using Trinity core #62815c (basically latest) I am just having issues with Quest Item drop from NPC. But it's wont drop. I did try change drop rate and still not work. Just feel like its getting impossible for quest item drop rate. thenk for help
  3. P

    [SOLVED] Generator Suggestion.

    Hello, I wanted to suggest you that Generator option. When you click Class. its show all option you choose. for etc. i pick Armor then you click on subclass, Its appear everything. Its should come up with Armor, which like pant, Wrist, Shoulder, head, Chest etc. I just giving you ideas :)
  4. P

    Theme Manager - Gurubash Arena (3.3.5a)

    Hello, I have shared the script from AlexeWarr and update them but i change the zone for Gurubash Arena :) and different display. Also i can keep working on it and different display and news one. it's cool for funserver http://paste.emudevs.com/?paste=216 how to compile them -...
  5. P

    Eluna Engine [Question]

    Hi, Is there any way to use https://github.com/ElunaLuaEngine/Eluna install myself without using EDB or git.? had pull Trinitycore today & putting Eluna folder in src folder and src Cmakelists.txt and complied and everything work & nothing failed but when i look into worldserver.exe and there...
  6. P

    [SOLVED] How to - Backup the database

    Hello. How to do back up the database from Hedisql ?
  7. P

    [SOLVED] Disable spell (Is this correct way)?

    Hello, i just need little help that all. I have made disable spell for ICC, but is this correct? INSERT INTO `disables` VALUES (0, 26662, 2, 15, 0, "Disable Berserk ICC"); INSERT INTO `disables` VALUES (0, 69055, 2, 15, 0, "Disable Bone Slice ICC"); INSERT INTO `disables` VALUES (0, 69057, 2...
  8. P

    [SOLVED] Libmysql.dll error

    have tried to compile a fresh core of trinity in Microsoft vs 2013 but every time the same errors Error 1 error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x2D8 C:\mysql_libs\lib_32\libmysql.dll 1 1 authserver Error 2 error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x2D8...
  9. P

    [SOLVED] Scripts are disabled? how to able it?

    Titles said at all. but how to able spells as went to ICC, mobs not casting either opening and shut the door. even first boss didnt break the Ice to next boss. TrinityCore rev. 92d514d0c9e2 2014-09-14 12:55:48 -0300 (master branch) (Win32
  10. P

    [SOLVED] Movement\spline\movespline.cpp252 in movement::movespline::_updatestate ASSERTION FAILED: minimal_diff >= 0

    It's crashed Again with over 25players. Movement\spline\movespline.cpp252 in movement::movespline::_updatestate ASSERTION FAILED: minimal_diff >= 0 Does anyone know how to do this? and creature_template had removed all script while i was in sleep >.< Trinitycore - d7b0ee7c0366 2014 - 09...
  11. P

    [SOLVED] WorldServer Crashes (It's new error for me) Never heard of it before)

    Mean while every 1hour or 30 min i get crashes by worldserver.exe this show Movement\spline\movespline.cpp252 in movement::movespline::_updatestate ASSERTION FAILED: minimal_diff >= 0 i sent that to trinitycore. they didnt help so useless.. so would pleased if help to find this what meaning of?
  12. P

    [SOLVED] Trinity changed again! (ERROR)

    Warning 1 warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\x40 Frozen\TrinityCore.git\src\server\game\Server\WorldSocketMgr.cpp) C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\x40 Frozen\TrinityCore.git\src\server\shared\Networking\SocketMgr.h 63 1 game Warning 2 warning C4018: '<'...
  13. P

    [SOLVED] Gossip_Menu_option Question

    Hello there. Im trying to fingering out how like Main Cities then i make Orgimmar, Thunder Buff etc. but i want it to show Horde. but not Alliance? Is there any chance to work like that?
  14. P

    [SOLVED] Error Boost

    done this one set (ENV {BOOST_ROOT} "C:/Boost") and system aswell but this problem i got now. I did install boost and config. but have no idea what to do next. ______ FIXED. Boost Installer to work. NOT BOOST ZIP! Make sure Visual studio is loading till READY then compiling.
  15. P

    [SOLVED] Quick Way to change in Database (Help)

    Hello. I need some help to some database script to change whole to number 1. which is in this table Player_levelstats with str agi sta inte spi but now at the moment i just putting number 1 to all those but any idea how to change it faster way? cheer :roll:
  16. P

    [SOLVED] MOP Realmlist (How to edit & where to patch.)

    Hello guys. i want to move on to MOP Server developement. but want to know how to edits or patch wow for change addresses to connect my own server for MOP. (also patching Launcher) I would like have link or any tutoiral for it. would be greatful!
  17. P

    Download Torrent 3.3.5a and 4.3.4

    Hello. i'm in UK but i cant go though Privatrbay kickass ...... but would anyone upload torrent to mediafire or something for 3.3.5a and 4.3.4 ? cheer.
  18. P

    First Time upgrade to Eluna TrinityCore.

    Hello. i have moved to Eluna but im wondering if Script can add Custom aswell like normal trinitycore? and where do i put Eluna Script to? there is no folder or whatsoever it is?
  19. P

    [SOLVED] Gobject movements

    Hello, I wondering how to make a boat that can move. Like the one of Darkshore to teldrassil. For example this what im trying to make. thank :)
  20. P

    PNG TO BLP (Favor)

    Hey I would like to someone who can coverter PNG TO BLP for me? http://www.mediafire.com/view/w7cajin66x1sjj3/logo.png And would love if i get BLP image back. Please and thank :)