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Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Custom Mission - Possible Loss


Hey guys! I spent a few hours recreating this mission that I previously created before and I had fun playing it! Now, for the second time I'm going to share it again!

Here is a video of the mission in action:


  • [*=1]A clean up every so often so the helicopters won't lag you out (doesn't really, but it is there for reasons)
    [*=1]Once you're inside of the armored AA vehicle, it will start to give you magazines so you won't run out of ammo

Full Source (Recommended):

Script Source (For other uses):


*     Possible Loss
*       by Tommy
*     Defend to survive!

_spawnMarker1 = getMarkerPos "spawn1"; // Above
_spawnMarker4 = getMarkerPos "spawn4"; // Below
_wayMarker = getMarkerPos "way1"; // Centered (air field)

_unitName = "Mi17_TK_EP1";
_pilotName = "TK_Soldier_Pilot_EP1";

_heliSpawnCount = 0;
_grp1 = createGroup EAST;
_grp4 = createGroup EAST;

_ammoMag = "2000Rnd_23mm_AZP85";

_cleanArray = [];

while {true} do
    // Increment the counter
    _heliSpawnCount = _heliSpawnCount + 1;
    // Create the first helicopter for the first group
    _heli1 = createVehicle[_unitName, _spawnMarker1, [], 0, "FLY"];
    // Etc..
    _heli4 = createVehicle[_unitName, _spawnMarker4, [], 0, "FLY"];
    _cleanArray = _cleanArray + [_heli1, _heli4];
    _pilotName createUnit [getPos _heli1, _grp1];
    _pilotName createUnit [getPos _heli4, _grp4];
        _x moveInDriver _heli1;
        _heli1 doMove(_wayMarker);
    } foreach units _grp1;
        _x moveInDriver _heli4;
        _heli4 doMove(_wayMarker);
    } foreach units _grp4;
    switch (_heliSpawnCount) do
        case 30:
            hint "Lagging yet? Clean up time!";
              deleteVehicle _x;
            } foreach _cleanArray;
            _heliSpawnCount = 0;
    // Check ammo, need lots!
    if (vehicle player != player) then
        _ammoCount = player ammo _ammoMag;
        if (_ammoCount < 500) then
            vehicle player addMagazineTurret[_ammoMag, [0]];

    // Need to pause spawning so they can get moving without crashing
    sleep 15;

Enjoy! I'm making more awesome stuff!


I'm a bird mother fucker! =[

thx for the share, it annoyed me enough ^.^

Lol, it was fun when I made it a few years ago. It is kinda boring now, but don't worry, I'm making something a lot more entertaining. :D