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C# Lua Execution (335)


Respected Member
So I'm in the procces of creating a 3.3.5a bot and I'm trying to do some memory injection to execute a LuaDoString function which currently looks like this:

public void LuaDoString(string command)
            BlackMagic process = new BlackMagic();
            if (process.OpenProcessAndThread(SProcess.GetProcessFromWindowTitle("World of Warcraft")))
                IntPtr moduleBase = process.MainModule.BaseAddress;
                int nSize = command.Length + 0x100;
                uint codeCave = process.AllocateMemory(nSize);

                process.WriteASCIIString(codeCave, command);

                String[] asm = new String[] 
                    "mov eax, " + codeCave,
                    "push 0",
                    "push eax",
                    "push eax",
                    "mov eax, " + (moduleBase + 0x00819210),
                    "call eax",
                    "add esp, 0xC",


But as it is now, I can't download the aHook dll, so I was wondering if there's anyone else that can download it from here and upload it for me or offer me an alternative solution? :-S
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Register with them and you can download =P

I don't have an account there, otherwise I would have just downloaded it for ya


Respected Member
The donwloads of MMOwned /OwnedCore doesn't work for me or for my friends, that's why I requested it. :)