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[SOLVED] Connceted bug

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Respected Member
Tommy it is not an Repack, are my comments to horrible for you to read?

I can run repacks, so it's not the port that is the problem

And im trying to run a own compiled core, I did quit repacks last month, and I wana learn the Base Scripting of C++ and AI

but there is this problem that Stops me, it Stays on Connected and then Disconnects me after 1-2 minutes.



(This is compiled core 12340 3.3.5. And it's for Offline, Not online)

and it may be the World.exe that's wrong.

Link to world.conf Here ( the file is txt here because I couldn't upload it as conf here but it is no different. because in my realse it is still .conf........ bin/release/worldserver.conf
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Tommy it is not an Repack, are my comments to horrible for you to read?

I can run repacks, so it's not the port that is the problem

And im trying to run a own compiled core, I did quit repacks last month, and I wana learn the Base Scripting of C++ and AI

but there is this problem that Stops me, it Stays on Connected and then Disconnects me after 1-2 minutes.



(This is compiled core 12340 3.3.5. And it's for Offline, Not online)

and it may be the World.exe that's wrong.

Link to world.conf Here ( the file is txt here because I couldn't upload it as conf here but it is no different. because in my realse it is still .conf........ bin/release/worldserver.conf

1. You never said it was a compiled core and you also said you change ports on the REPACK and tried other REPACKS.
2. When you create a new thread, it needs to be detailed with information you might think is viable for us to know.

Nobody had knowledge of what was going on, you just said you were stuck at connected. You didn't imply if it was online or local.. there's many things people can assume when someone has an issue. I want to get things solve as fast as I can to get you going. It also isn't recommended for you to write "Write an repley if you want the conf," you always need to post your configuration settings right then and there, else we'd be waiting forever for you to either come back online to post them.

NOW, seeing you have a compiled core, you need to check various things. It looks like (as far as I can see) your settings are fine, but can you post your auth.conf content too? Did you update your realmlist table in your auth database to have the correct information? Is your realmlist set to "set realmlist"? There's nothing wrong with your binary files unless this isn't a fresh compile. Never heard of someone blaming it on a executable without knocking down the obvious portions of what could be causing this.


Respected Member
# Trinity Core Auth Server configuration file #


# Variable
# Description: Brief description what the variable is doing.
# Important: Annotation for important things about this variable.
# Example: "Example, i.e. if the value is a string"
# Default: 10 - (Enabled|Comment|Variable name in case of grouped config options)
# 0 - (Disabled|Comment|Variable name in case of grouped config options)
# Note to developers:
# - Copy this example to keep the formatting.
# - Line breaks should be at column 100.

# LogsDir
# Description: Logs directory setting.
# Important: LogsDir needs to be quoted, as the string might contain space characters.
# Logs directory must exists, or log file creation will be disabled.
# Default: "" - (Log files will be stored in the current path)

LogsDir = ""

# MaxPingTime
# Description: Time (in minutes) between database pings.
# Default: 30

MaxPingTime = 30

# RealmServerPort
# Description: TCP port to reach the auth server.
# Default: 3724

RealmServerPort = 3724

# BindIP
# Description: Bind auth server to IP/hostname
# Default: "" - (Bind to all IPs on the system)

BindIP = ""

# PidFile
# Description: Auth server PID file.
# Example: "./authserver.pid" - (Enabled)
# Default: "" - (Disabled)

PidFile = ""

# UseProcessors
# Description: Processors mask for Windows and Linux based multi-processor systems.
# Example: A computer with 2 CPUs:
# 1 - 1st CPU only, 2 - 2nd CPU only, 3 - 1st and 2nd CPU, because 1 | 2 is 3
# Default: 0 - (Selected by OS)
# 1+ - (Bit mask value of selected processors)

UseProcessors = 0

# ProcessPriority
# Description: Process priority setting for Windows and Linux based systems.
# Details: On Linux, a nice value of -15 is used. On Windows, process is set to HIGH class.
# Default: 1 - (High)
# 0 - (Normal)

ProcessPriority = 1

# RealmsStateUpdateDelay
# Description: Time (in seconds) between realm list updates.
# Default: 20 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

RealmsStateUpdateDelay = 20

# WrongPass.MaxCount
# Description: Number of login attemps with wrong password before the account or IP will be
# banned.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1+ - (Enabled)

WrongPass.MaxCount = 0

# WrongPass.BanTime
# Description: Time (in seconds) for banning account or IP for invalid login attempts.
# Default: 600 - (10 minutes)
# 0 - (Permanent ban)

WrongPass.BanTime = 600

# WrongPass.BanType
# Description: Ban type for invalid login attempts.
# Default: 0 - (Ban IP)
# 1 - (Ban Account)

WrongPass.BanType = 0


# LoginDatabaseInfo
# Description: Database connection settings for the realm server.
# Example: "hostname;port;username;password;database"
# ".;somenumber;username;password;database" - (Use named pipes on Windows
# "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld]
# section my.ini)
# ".;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database" - (use Unix sockets on
# Unix/Linux)
# Default: ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth"

# LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads
# Description: The amount of worker threads spawned to handle asynchronous (delayed) MySQL
# statements. Each worker thread is mirrored with its own connection to the
# Default: 1

LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1


# Appender config values: Given a appender "name"
# Appender.name
# Description: Defines 'where to log'
# Format: Type,LogLevel,Flags,optional1,optional2,optional3
# Type
# 0 - (None)
# 1 - (Console)
# 2 - (File)
# 3 - (DB)
# LogLevel
# 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Trace)
# 2 - (Debug)
# 3 - (Info)
# 4 - (Warn)
# 5 - (Error)
# 6 - (Fatal)
# Flags:
# 0 - None
# 1 - Prefix Timestamp to the text
# 2 - Prefix Log Level to the text
# 4 - Prefix Log Filter type to the text
# 8 - Append timestamp to the log file name. Format: YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS (Only used with Type = 2)
# 16 - Make a backup of existing file before overwrite (Only used with Mode = w)
# Colors (read as optional1 if Type = Console)
# Format: "fatal error warn info debug trace"
# 0 - BLACK
# 1 - RED
# 2 - GREEN
# 3 - BROWN
# 4 - BLUE
# 6 - CYAN
# 7 - GREY
# 8 - YELLOW
# 9 - LRED
# 10 - LGREEN
# 11 - LBLUE
# 13 - LCYAN
# 14 - WHITE
# Example: "13 11 9 5 3 1"
# File: Name of the file (read as optional1 if Type = File)
# Allows to use one "%s" to create dynamic files
# Mode: Mode to open the file (read as optional2 if Type = File)
# a - (Append)
# w - (Overwrite)
# MaxFileSize: Maximum file size of the log file before creating a new log file
# (read as optional3 if Type = File)
# Size is measured in bytes expressed in a 64-bit unsigned integer.
# Maximum value is 4294967295 (4 gb). Leave blank for no limit.
# NOTE: Does not work with dynamic filenames.
# Example: 536870912 (512 mb)


# LogLevel
# 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Trace)
# 2 - (Debug)
# 3 - (Info)
# 4 - (Warn)
# 5 - (Error)
# 6 - (Fatal)
# AppenderList: List of appenders linked to logger
# (Using spaces as separator).
# Appenders
# Description: List of Appenders to read from config
# (Using spaces as separator).
# Default: "Console Server"

Appenders=Console Auth

# Logger config values: Given a logger "name"
# Logger.name
# Description: Defines 'What to log'
# Format: Type,LogLevel,AppenderList
# Type
# 0 - Default. Each type that has no config will
# rely on this one. Core will create this logger
# (disabled) if it's not configured
# 7 - Network input/output,
# 30 - Authserver

Logger.Root=0,3,Console Auth

# Loggers
# Description: List of Loggers to read from config
# (Using spaces as separator).
# Default: "root"





Okay, looks good. You never did answer me on what I said though.

In red is what I asked:

NOW, seeing you have a compiled core, you need to check various things. It looks like (as far as I can see) your settings are fine, but can you post your auth.conf content too? Did you update your realmlist table in your auth database to have the correct information? Is your realmlist set to "set realmlist"? There's nothing wrong with your binary files unless this isn't a fresh compile. Never heard of someone blaming it on a executable without knocking down the obvious portions of what could be causing this.


Respected Member
Sorry, im just wasted so im kinda retarted, hmm Thanks will try that tomorrow when im more awake


Respected Member

Id Name addres localaddress localsubnetmask port icon flag timezone allowsecuritylevel population gamebuild

1 , trinity , , ,, 8085 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 12340

yes my realmlist inside my wow folder is set too
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