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Custom mount item consume


does your item have class 0 and subclass 4 ? in item_template table
that makes it consumable scroll
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Nop, i made my own ítem with class 10 and subclass 5 ingame shows correctly as mount.

Then as second try i duplicated an existing mmount ítem and changed name and apellido but it does the same. Ítem stay after learn. I think that have something with conditions table but dont know...


well you see, mounts uses spells that adds to your collection a mount.let's make some researches then.
lets take an item (mount)
lets check which spell it triggers in item_template it says it's spell category 330 cooldown is 3000 miliseconds spell ID 24252 and trigger type is 6
lets check what we can gather from that.
we can check spell in spell.dbc and trigger type in trinitycore documentation https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/item_template#item_template-spelltrigger
6Learn Spell ID.
lets check spell.dbc it has value in row 81 "99" i think that means speed, and column 111 means the npc id that spell summons. so you can copy mount in item_template as item, copy spell in spell.dbc change row 111 to your new npc (a new mount) that should work smooth.
Hope that mini research will help you.
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