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ArcEmu EasyWoW - arcemu fork


Hello, in short i want to introduce my arcemu based wotlk (3.3.5a) core called "EasyWoW"
Developed was active around one year but mostly there was code cleanups and performance tweaks.
Project development has been started at 2015-02-22

Core project is hosted on github:
Forums can be found on google groups:
Its licensed under AGPL v3 license

Differences between arcemu:
* achievements rewards are loaded from database
* fixed many data loads
* fixed spell target constraints
* default script engine is old arcemu LUA engine but eventually we will start to use Eluna engine (https://github.com/EasyWoW/Eluna)
* fixed many possible core crashes and issues
* it has creature difficulty stats support
* added creature script texts load from database
* fully rewritten cmake system which is rebusted for direct debugging
* added many additional gcc/clang warnings which helps to detect base code defects
* building install, it also installs all configurations and LUA scripts
* added some C++ scripting virtual functions
* cleaned up and updated gossip system - old objectmgr based engine was entirelly removed)
* core uses and installs required external projects (installs library files to compiled binary for deployment - only for windows)
* and much more

It has three branches - master (stable), dev (unstable branch where all new features are developed, for 4.0.6 release it will renamed to "development") and coverity (for code static analysis).
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Moderator / Eluna Dev
Note that arcemu actually has two lua engine implementations. One is the default one and one is the luabridge one.
The threading model in arcemu is that each map has it's own thread. Luabridge version of lua was designed likely so that it runs without thread locks and thus each map has it's own lua state running.
The other (default) implementation however always has to use a mutex lock to access any lua and that is bad for performance - while it plays better otherwise.
For Eluna we use the same mutex lock approach, however we limited TC to use only one thread for maps.
There is also some work on a lockless, state per map, approach but it requires some work still and critical decisions on how to deal with things (like loading all scripts for all maps or somehow limiting the scripts to load)


Super Moderator
Nice work!

Nice to know: There's another active ArcEmu fork called AscEmu. You could message them and could speak about bug fixes or stuff like that where both of your projects profit in the end. :)


Good luck with your project.

tbh to call someone "toxic", nevermind he/she is part of the EmuDevs community or not, is not the right way to deal with it.
You should discuss this directly with the person instead of "flaming" around and starting a "drama" on this community. (And every story has two sides... how the story ends depends on the one who is telling the story).

You should read the "Forum Rules" too, and make sure you didn't break them (like urls).


Super Moderator
He was actually right, as you can read here: Section: 1A, Rule#2.
Besides that: Please discuss that via PM, we don't want controversial here. We want to support every emulator in every way. :)

I actually would love to see something like clustering - Is something like that planned? It's a pretty huge task, but would be really awesome to have.


He was actually right, as you can read here: Section: 1A, Rule#2.
Besides that: Please discuss that via PM, we don't want controversial here. We want to support every emulator in every way. :)

I actually would love to see something like clustering - Is something like that planned? It's a pretty huge task, but would be really awesome to have.

well right now core is not ready for that, just there is more important issues, like rbg, outdoor pvp, mmaps and similar, for clustering even threadbase is not ready.

when base functionality is ready for that, it surelly will implemented.

EDIT1: project officially has been moved to gitlab
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