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Fastest way to create your custom balanced tiers for every class.


Hello, ED, after some researches i think i found the really fastest way to create custom tiers with balanced stats for your private server, so i wanna share it with community since its really really handy for people who creating serious projects.
Lets start.

What we need ?

  • HeidiSQL or Navicat (i prefer Heidi, and all screenshots will be on HeidiSQL).
  • Notepad ++
  • World of Warcraft items database to gather items (i'll explain later).

  • List of stat_type values. No worries i prepared one for you.
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] ID Name[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] 0  =  Mana[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] 1  =  HEALTH[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] 2  =  UNKNOWN[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] 3  =  AGILITY[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] 4  =  STRENGTH[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] 5  =  INTELLECT[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] 6  =  SPIRIT[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I] 7  =  STAMINA[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]11  =  WEAPON_SKILL_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]12  =  DEFENSE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]13  =  DODGE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]14  =  PARRY_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]15  =  SHIELD_BLOCK_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]16  =  MELEE_HIT_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]17  =  RANGED_HIT_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]18  =  SPELL_HIT_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]28  =  MELEE_HASTE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]29  =  RANGED_HASTE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]30  =  SPELL_HASTE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]31  =  HIT_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]33  =  HIT_AVOIDANCE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]34  =  EXPERTISE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]35  =  RESILIENCE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]36  =  HASTE_RATING[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]37  =  EXPERTISE_RATING_2[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]38  =  ATTACK_POWER[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]39  =  RANGED_ATTACK_POWER[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]40  =  FERAL_ATTACK_POWER[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]41  =  SPELL_HEALING_DONE[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]42  =  SPELL_DAMAGE_DONE[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]43  =  MANA_REGENERATION[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]45  =  SPELL_POWER[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]46  =  HEALTH_REGEN[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]47  =  SPELL_PENETRATION  [/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333][COLOR=#666666][I]48  =  BLOCK_VALUE[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]

Gather item set steps.

  1. Open items database website , select [Database->item Sets->Class you wanna make tiers for] I will take for tutorial warrior.
  2. Click few times on word [Level] to change order from highest to lowest.
  3. Select name of last tier (important for those who don't know TIER is PVE Season is PVP item sets). Mine is
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord\'s

Gather item set SQL code steps.
  1. Open your Database editor, i will use HeidiSQL.
  2. Go to item_template table , open query window.
  3. Write in query window this code
    SELECT * FROM item_template WHERE name like '%Sanctified Ymirjar Lord\'s%' order by `entry`;
  4. Change [Sanctified Ymirjar Lord\'s] to your item set name you selected before.
  5. Click on one of rows with left mouse button, then CTRL + A to select everything.
  6. Click on one of rows with right mouse button - > Export Grid Rows , make sure everything looks like here
  7. Click ok.
  8. Open your Notepad++ , create new file and press CTRL + V to paste your SQL code.
  9. Press CTRL + F and paste your set name you selected.
  10. When you found name, locate your eyes a bit left, and you will see item entry code. Just press left mouse on place after ( and before the entry code.
  11. then press magic button combo ALT + C you will see menu like this
  12. Write number number 1 where it says text to insert, and press OK. (it will add number 1 before every entry)
  13. Now click CTRL + H , in a first field write the item set name you selected and in second write the new item set name for your class and Replace All
  14. Now click CTRL + A , CTRL + C , then open up HeidiSQL query window , paste your code with CTRL + V, and run query.
  15. Congratulations, you created your custom tier.

Stats change steps.

  1. Open up query window and paste this code
    SELECT * FROM item_template WHERE name like '%Sanctified Ymirjar Lord\'s%' order by `entry`;
  2. Replace Sanctified Ymirjar Lord\'s with your new item set name.
  3. Check if there is no other items, in case you selected name that already exist, or there some items with that name.
  4. If everything is okay, in query windows paste this code
    UPDATE item_template SET stat_value1 = stat_value1 * 1.2,
    stat_value2 = stat_value2 * 1.2,
    stat_value3 = stat_value3 * 1.2,
    stat_value4 = stat_value4 * 1.2,
    stat_value5 = stat_value5 * 1.2,
    stat_value6 = stat_value6 * 1.2,
    stat_value7 = stat_value7 * 1.2, 
    stat_value8 = stat_value8 * 1.2,
    stat_value9 = stat_value9 * 1.2,
    stat_value10 = stat_value10 * 1.2,
    armor = armor * 1.2
    WHERE name like '%[COLOR=#B22222]Sanctified Ymirjar Lord\'s[/COLOR]%';
  5. Run query.
  6. Congratulations now you have your own tier with scaled stats, better than Tier 10 or whatever you selected.

Fun servers part.

  1. If you run a fun server 85 , 255 or whatever obviously you need high numbers, so instead of running last query change
    * 1.2
    To whatever you wan't , i would suggest change it to
    * 100
    That means all values will be multiplied by 100.
  2. If you wanna have some real balance on your sever, after running query , paste this code
    SELECT * FROM item_template WHERE name like '%Sanctified Ymirjar Lord\'s%' order by `entry`;
    Replace item set name with yours, and scroll till you will find stat_value1 column
    Using list of stat_type just look which stat is which and delete from value last 2 numbers on stat types like
    Hit rating, haste Rating, expertise, Spirit, Armor Penetration and etc it's your choice. Or you can leave them as that its up to you.

For upgrade these tiers all at once, just select them by Entry and repeat everything FROM step Stats change steps.

Hope it was useful for someone.
best regads, Vitrex.

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well preety goo guide but that kind of a noob way to increase stats , how about resilence and haste by multiplying and item wich have 150 resilence by 100 you will get 15000 resil wich is a ridiculous value id suggest a little change in the code something more stats friendly but it will take more time to run the query.
[COLOR="#00FF00"]@S_NAME = '%Your Item Name%',[/COLOR]
#--Crits/Resil/haste multiplier
[COLOR="#00FF00"]@CRH_MULT = 15,[/COLOR]
#--Spell Power / Attack Power multiplier
[COLOR="#00FF00"]@SA_MULT= 100,[/COLOR]
#--Agility/Strength/Stamina multiplier
[COLOR="#00FF00"]@ASrS_MULT= 50,[/COLOR]
#--The other stats multiplier
[COLOR="#00FF00"]@O_MULT= 30;[/COLOR]
#--Do not edit under this line
update item_template set stat_value1 =  stat_value1  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  stat_value2  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  stat_value3  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  stat_value4  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  stat_value5  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  stat_value6  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  stat_value7  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  stat_value8  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  stat_value9  * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (31,32,35,36);
update item_template set stat_value10=  stat_value10 * @CRH_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (31,32,35,36);
#--Spell Power / Attack Power
update item_template set stat_value1 =  stat_value1  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  stat_value2  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  stat_value3  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  stat_value4  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  stat_value5  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  stat_value6  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  stat_value7  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  stat_value8  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  stat_value9  * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value10=  stat_value10 * @SA_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value1 =  stat_value1  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  stat_value2  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  stat_value3  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  stat_value4  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  stat_value5  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  stat_value6  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  stat_value7  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  stat_value8  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  stat_value9  * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value10=  stat_value10 * @ASrS_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (45,38);
#--The other stats
update item_template set stat_value1 =  stat_value1  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  stat_value2  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  stat_value3  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  stat_value4  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  stat_value5  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  stat_value6  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  stat_value7  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  stat_value8  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  stat_value9  * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);
update item_template set stat_value10=  stat_value10 * @O_MULT where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (3,4,7,31,32,35,36,45,38);


Well if you read till the end, i mentioned, that you can grab list, select items with query you made, and fast change, by deleting 2 last numbers.
Anyways, a lot of people don't give a single fuck about stats like resil or haste bcs they run servers but never played in retail or even mid rates server... :)
Thats why most of the servers a really really bad... :)
But ye your way is good as well, combine everything is pretty good. :)
Thanks. hope these things will help pupils to run normal server , not 50000000dps crap :)
P.s I'm started an app for that. where you enter the item name select multipliers and etc. so your code will be handy for me as well i don't need to create it by myself ! :D
Last edited:


Well if you read till the end, i mentioned, that you can grab list, select items with query you made, and fast change, by deleting 2 last numbers.
Anyways, a lot of people don't give a single fuck about stats like resil or haste bcs they run servers but never played in retail or even mid rates server... :)
Thats why most of the servers a really really bad... :)
But ye your way is good as well, combine everything is pretty good. :)
Thanks. hope these things will help pupils to run normal server , not 50000000dps crap :)
P.s I'm started an app for that. where you enter the item name select multipliers and etc. so your code will be handy for me as well i don't need to create it by myself ! :D

You won't need my code if you create an app you should use recursive functions on the same query it will reduce the memory leak because mysql querys eat hell loat of RAM the less querys you have the smoother your app will work.. also about the stats like resil/haste/crits (the most important ones) it took me 1 year of runing a high stats server to find let's call it a "Ballance" by trying to set the right amount for that stats.


You won't need my code if you create an app you should use recursive functions on the same query it will reduce the memory leak because mysql querys eat hell loat of RAM the less querys you have the smoother your app will work.. also about the stats like resil/haste/crits (the most important ones) it took me 1 year of runing a high stats server to find let's call it a "Ballance" by trying to set the right amount for that stats.

I didn't said that i'll copy paste your code, i just said it will be handy as working example... and look stop act like a smartass when you're not one... that pisses me off :)
The stats is still no balanced in your server anyways, and i played wow in retail and in other shit servers enough years to feel the stats changes and how they affect character and how much each class has to have in patches i played to not be better in stats wise that other class.... so don't give me your ***** about your stats you made. :)
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well preety goo guide but that kind of a noob way to increase stats , how about resilence and haste by multiplying and item wich have 150 resilence by 100 you will get 15000 resil wich is a ridiculous value id suggest a little change in the code something more stats friendly but it will take more time to run the query.

Hey Darksoke, I noticed you were missing a couple stats, like Mp5, armor penetration, and expertise, so I thought I could try and add them. I also wanted to try and find a way to downscale items as well, for like twink servers and such. Turns out I'm not very good at this stuff, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't work. My tests were inconclusive - if anyone else wants to try and figure out why, be my guest :cool2:

@S_NAME = 'Camerons other testing apple la',

@CRH_MULT   = 0.05, #--Crit/Resilience/Haste/Hit/
		    #--Armor Penetration/Expertise rating multiplier

@SA_MULT    = 0.15, #--Spell Power/Attack Power multiplier

@ASrS_MULT  = 0.2,  #--Agility/Strength/Stamina/Intellect/Spirit multiplier

@DRATE_MULT = 0.2,  #--Defence ratings - such as parry rating, dodge rating, etc

@SPEN_MULT  = 0.2,  #--Spell Penetration 
                    #--(Keep in mind this one is weird because it's a flat value, and not a rating.)

@MREG_MULT  = 0.2,  #--Mp5

@ARMOR_MULT = 0.2,  #--Armor value

@DAM_MULT   = 0.3;  #--Weapon min and max damage

#--Do not edit under this line
#--Crit/Resilience/Haste/Hit Ratings
update item_template set stat_value1 =  CAST(stat_value1  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  CAST(stat_value2  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  CAST(stat_value3  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  CAST(stat_value4  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  CAST(stat_value5  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  CAST(stat_value6  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  CAST(stat_value7  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  CAST(stat_value8  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  CAST(stat_value9  * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (31,32,35,36,37);
update item_template set stat_value10=  CAST(stat_value10 * @CRH_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (31,32,35,36,37);
#--Spell Power/Attack Power
update item_template set stat_value1 =  CAST(stat_value1  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  CAST(stat_value2  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  CAST(stat_value3  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  CAST(stat_value4  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  CAST(stat_value5  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  CAST(stat_value6  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  CAST(stat_value7  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  CAST(stat_value8  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  CAST(stat_value9  * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value10=  CAST(stat_value10 * @SA_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (45,38);
update item_template set stat_value1 =  CAST(stat_value1  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  CAST(stat_value2  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  CAST(stat_value3  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  CAST(stat_value4  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  CAST(stat_value5  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  CAST(stat_value6  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  CAST(stat_value7  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  CAST(stat_value8  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  CAST(stat_value9  * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (3,4,5,6,7);
update item_template set stat_value10=  CAST(stat_value10 * @ASrS_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (3,4,5,6,7);
#--Defence Ratings
update item_template set stat_value1 =  CAST(stat_value1  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  CAST(stat_value2  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  CAST(stat_value3  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  CAST(stat_value4  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  CAST(stat_value5  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  CAST(stat_value6  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  CAST(stat_value7  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  CAST(stat_value8  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  CAST(stat_value9  * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (12,13,14,15,48);
update item_template set stat_value10=  CAST(stat_value10 * @DRATE_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (12,13,14,15,48);
#--Spell Penetration
update item_template set stat_value1 =  CAST(stat_value1  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  CAST(stat_value2  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  CAST(stat_value3  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  CAST(stat_value4  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  CAST(stat_value5  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  CAST(stat_value6  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  CAST(stat_value7  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  CAST(stat_value8  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  CAST(stat_value9  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (47);
update item_template set stat_value10=  CAST(stat_value10 * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (47);
#--Mana and Health per 5 seconds
update item_template set stat_value1 =  CAST(stat_value1  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type1  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value2 =  CAST(stat_value2  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type2  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value3 =  CAST(stat_value3  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type3  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value4 =  CAST(stat_value4  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type4  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value5 =  CAST(stat_value5  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type5  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value6 =  CAST(stat_value6  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type6  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value7 =  CAST(stat_value7  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type7  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value8 =  CAST(stat_value8  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type8  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value9 =  CAST(stat_value9  * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type9  in (43,46);
update item_template set stat_value10=  CAST(stat_value10 * @SPEN_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME and stat_type10 in (43,46);
update item_template set armor = CAST(armor * @ARMOR_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;
update item_template set holy_res   = CAST(holy_res   * @RES_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;
update item_template set nature_res = CAST(nature_res * @RES_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;
update item_template set arcane_res = CAST(arcane_res * @RES_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;
update item_template set shadow_res = CAST(shadow_res * @RES_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;
update item_template set frost_res  = CAST(frost_res  * @RES_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;
update item_template set fire_res   = CAST(fire_res   * @RES_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;
#--Weapon Damage
update item_template set dmg_min1 = CAST(dmg_min1     * @DAM_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;
update item_template set dmg_max1 = CAST(dmg_max1     * @DAM_MULT as UNSIGNED) where name like @S_NAME;