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Exalted Member
So a few days i updated my core and now the GossipMenuAdditem crashes the server same old script its when i click ok after writing a code heres the line

plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Text", 0, 3021, true, "Popup Text", 0)


Tested with what I wrote a few weeks ago and it works just fine:



local npcId = 59999

function GossipHello(event, plr, unit)
    plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "I would like to place a bounty", 0, 1, true, "Who would you like to place a bounty on?", 10000) -- icon, text, sender, intid, use code (true/false), prompt text, how much gold (amount)
    plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Nevermind..", 0, 2)
    plr:GossipSendMenu(1, unit)

function GossipSelect(event, player, creature, sender, intid, code)
    if (intid == 1) then -- Deal with code / bounty stuff
        local victim = GetPlayerByName(code)
        if (victim ~= nil) then
            player:SendBroadcastMessage("NAME:" ..victim:GetName().."!")

RegisterCreatureGossipEvent(npcId, 1, GossipHello)
RegisterCreatureGossipEvent(npcId, 2, GossipSelect)

Just some advice, just because you think it is a method, doesn't mean it is, especially a gossip method. Once you press the 'OK' button, it does go straight to the 'OnGossipSelect' action. So something within your action is causing the crash.


Exalted Member
But why did it work before i updated the core and i cant see anything wrong its also integrated into a big hearthstone script it might be a bit confused heres the scripts:

http://pastebin.com/YYNd7fei you should be able to find your way thru it but if not its on line 112 to 116 those are the only onces using it right now

anybody reading this please dont use this script on a public server without asking
Last edited:


Did you make sure you have all the tables that you need? It crashed on me because I obviously didn't have the table, so I commented that code out and it worked fine besides you misspelling 'SendBroadcastMessage'

I'm even surprised this script even worked to begin with, I fixed it up for you, it had a lot of messed up code and some misspelled methods:


 ______                    _   _                __          __           
|  ____|                  | | | |               \ \        / /           
| |__ ___  _ __ __ _  ___ | |_| |_ ___ _ __ _____\ \  /\  / /____      __
|  __/ _ \| '__/ _` |/ _ \| __| __/ _ \ '_ \______\ \/  \/ / _ \ \ /\ / /
| | | (_) | | | (_| | (_) | |_| ||  __/ | | |      \  /\  / (_) \ V  V / 
|_|  \___/|_|  \__, |\___/ \__|\__\___|_| |_|       \/  \/ \___/ \_/\_/  
                __/ |                                                    

local file_dir = "scripts/logs/hs_logs.txt"
local file = assert(io.open(file_dir, "a"))
local bountyToken = 89998 --Bounty Token ID
local ITEM_ID = 6948 -- Hearthstone ID

function Teleporter_OnGossip(event, plr, item)
    if(plr:GetTeam() == 0) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "|cff00CDFFMain Cities ", 0, 2000)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "|cffB00808Main Cities", 0 , 3000)
    plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Teleports" , 0, 5000)
    if GetVIPLevel(plr:GetAccountId() >= 1) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "|TInterface\\ChatFrame\\UI-ChatIcon-Vip.blp:0:2:0:0|t",0 , 4000,0)
    plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "About You", 0, 7000)
    plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Bounty System", 0, 300)
    plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)

function Teleporter_OnClick(event, plr, item, sender, intid, code)
    if(intid == 1000) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Task Area |TInterface\\ChatFrame\\UI-ChatIcon-PVE.blp:0:2:0:0|t",0 , 1,0)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Task Area |TInterface\\ChatFrame\\UI-ChatIcon-PVP.blp:0:2:0:0|t",0 , 1,0)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    elseif(intid == 7000)then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Your gear score is: " ..plr:GetGearLevel().. "" ,0, 7000)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Your VIP level is " ..GetVIPLevel(plr:GetAccountId()).. "", 0, 7000)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    elseif(intid == 4000) then
        if GetVIPLevel(plr:GetAccountId()) <= 1 then
            --print "Unauthorized Acess to the vip function. " ..plr:GetName().. ""
            plr:SendBroadcastMessage("We detected that you have Unauthorized access to the vip panel this will be logged")
            local line = os.date("%x [%X]", os.time())..": "..plr:GetName().." Unauthorized Access to the vip function."
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Vip Mall", 0, 4003)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Repair All Item", 0, 4005)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Max Level", 0, 4002)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Bank", 0, 4001)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Set Home", 0, 4004)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Back", 0 , 100000)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    elseif(intid == 5000) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Hearthstone", 0, 100)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Task Area",0 , 1000,0)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "PVP Zone",0 , 10,0)    
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Instances",0 , 8900)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Item Preview",0 , 8901)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Back", 0 , 100000)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    elseif(intid == 2000) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Stormwind", 0, 2001)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Ironfoge", 0, 2002)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "The Exodar", 0, 2003)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Back", 0 , 100000)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    elseif(intid == 3000) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Orgrimmar", 0, 3001)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Thunderbluff", 0, 3002)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Undercity", 0, 3003)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Back", 0 , 100000)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    elseif(intid == 8900) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Deadmines", 0, 8903)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Molten Core", 0, 8902)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Back", 0 , 100000)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    elseif(intid == 300) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "This system is not perfect and there might still be some bugs, if you find any of them report it or if you have any suggestion regarding this system", 0, 300)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "I would like to place a bounty", 0, 301)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Bounty List", 0, 302)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Back", 0 , 100000)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    elseif(intid == 301) then
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "100 Bounty Tokens", 0, 3021, true, "Who would you like to place a bounty on?", 10000)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "200 Bounty Tokens", 0, 3022, true, "Who would you like to place a bounty on?", 10000)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "300 Bounty Tokens", 0, 3023, true, "Who would you like to place a bounty on?", 10000)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "400 Bounty Tokens", 0, 3024, true, "Who would you like to place a bounty on?", 10000)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "500 Bounty Tokens", 0, 3025, true, "Who would you like to place a bounty on?", 10000)
        plr:GossipSendMenu(1, item)
    -- Bounty Hunter System
    elseif(intid == 302) then
        local getNameQuery = AuthDBQuery("SELECT Playername, Price, Placer FROM bounty_db")
        if (getNameQuery) then
                local name = getNameQuery:GetString(0)
                local price = getNameQuery:GetString(1)
                local placer = getNameQuery:GetString(2)
                plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "" ..name.. " Price: " ..price.. " Placer: " ..placer.. "" , 0, 302)
            until not getNameQuery:NextRow()            
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Refresh", 0, 302)
        plr:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Back", 0 , 300)
    elseif(intid == 3021) then
        InsertBounty(code, 100, plr:GetName())
        plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have placed bounty on: " ..code.."")
        plr:RemoveItem(89998, 100)
    elseif(intid == 3022) then
        InsertBounty(code, 200, plr:GetName())
        plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have placed bounty on: " ..code.."")
        plr:RemoveItem(89998, 200)
    elseif(intid == 3023) then
        InsertBounty(code, 300, plr:GetName())
        plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have placed bounty on: " ..code.."")
        plr:RemoveItem(89998, 300)
    elseif(intid == 3024) then
        InsertBounty(code, 400, plr:GetName())
        plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have placed bounty on: " ..code.."")
        plr:RemoveItem(89998, 400)
    elseif(intid == 3025) then -- End Bounty System
        InsertBounty(code, 400, plr:GetName())
        plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have placed bounty on: " ..code.."")
        plr:RemoveItem(89998, 500)
    elseif(intid == 100000) then 
        Teleporter_OnGossip(event, plr, item)
    --     under here i will put all the teleports and other things            --
    elseif(intid == 1) then -- Normal Mall
        plr:Teleport(530, -248.392258, 939.716187, 84.378456, 1.494630  )        
    --Vip Stuff under here
    elseif(intid == 4001) then -- opens up the player bank
    elseif(intid == 4003) then --Vip MAll
        plr:Teleport(0,-4119.738281, -1090.597168, 168.953934, 5.988140)    
    elseif(intid == 4005) then -- Repair all items
    elseif(intid == 4002) then  -- sets your level to 85
    elseif(intid == 4004) then
    --Cities goes under here
    elseif(intid == 2001) then --Stormwind
        plr:Teleport(0, -8830.297852, 625.666199, 93.949638, 3.853518)
    elseif(intid == 2002) then --Ironforge
        plr:Teleport(0, -4923.146973, -948.432251, 501.552063, 5.372409)
    elseif(intid == 2003) then --The Exodar
        plr:Teleport(530, -3964.102539, -11672.352539, -137.411285, 0.400547)    
    elseif(intid == 3001) then --Orgrimmar
        plr:Teleport(1, 1629.359985, -4373.390137, 31.482185, 3.548390)
    elseif(intid == 3002) then --Thunderbluff
        plr:Teleport(1, -1277.369995, 124.804001, 131.286987, 5.222740)
    elseif(intid == 3003) then --Undercity
        plr:Teleport(0, 1584.069946, 241.987000, -52.153400, 0.049647)
    -- Other
    elseif(intid == 100) then
        plr:CastSpell(plr, 8690)
    elseif(intid == 10) then --PvP Zone
        plr:Teleport(801, 561.474304, 1011.290527, 5.370491, 5.626557 )
    elseif(intid == 8901) then --Preview zone
        plr:Teleport(0, -7143.082031, -3875.430908, 336.437500, 3.044534)    
    elseif(intid == 8903) then
        plr:Teleport(36, -16.400000, -383.070007, 61.779999, 1.860000)
    elseif(intid == 8902) then
        plr:Teleport(409, 1096.000000, -467.000000, -104.599998, 3.640000 )

function PlayerKilled(event, killer, plr)
    plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You was killed by: " ..killer:GetName().. "")
    if(GetBountyPrice(plr:GetName()) >= 1) then
        killer:SendBroadcastMessage("You killed: " ..plr:GetName().. " And recived: " ..GetBountyPrice(plr:GetName()).."")
        killer:AddItem(bountyToken, GetBountyPrice(plr:GetName()))

--Custom Fucntions
function GetVIPLevel(accountid)
    local VIPLevel = AuthDBQuery("SELECT VIPLevel from vip_players where accountID='" .. accountid .. "'")
    local level = 0
    if(VIPLevel) then
            level = VIPLevel:GetUInt32(0)
        until not VIPLevel:NextRow()
    return level

function GetBountyPrice(Pname)
    local BountyPrice = AuthDBQuery("SELECT Price from bounty_db where playername='" .. Pname .. "'")
    local price = 0
    if(BountyPrice) then
            price = BountyPrice:GetUInt32(0)
        until not BountyPrice:NextRow()
    return price

function playerDiedBounty(PlayerName)
    AuthDBQuery("DELETE FROM bounty_db WHERE PlayerName='" .. PlayerName .. "'")

function InsertBounty(Playername, Price, placer)
    AuthDBQuery("INSERT INTO `bounty_db` (`Playername`, `Price` , `placer`) VALUES ('" .. Playername .. "', '" ..Price.. "', '" ..placer.. "')")

RegisterItemGossipEvent(ITEM_ID, 1, Teleporter_OnGossip)
RegisterItemGossipEvent(ITEM_ID, 2, Teleporter_OnClick)

Just make sure that you have the database table. It is pointing to your auth database, maybe you meant it to be in your character database?


Exalted Member
all of the Dbs was supposed to be in auth and i cant understand whats happend to it. Might been some of my other friends fucking around with it thank you :) this script was the first lua i ever made and its just grown bigger and bigger its even been converted from arcemu a while back.

- - - Updated - - -

btw you removed RegisterServerHook(6, PlayerKilled) its used by playerkilled function witch is used for the bounty system


btw you removed RegisterServerHook(6, PlayerKilled) its used by playerkilled function witch is used for the bounty system

Whoops, I forgot to add it back once I removed it, lol. But yeah, that's the only thing I can see that would cause a crash, is the table stuff. :/


Exalted Member
this is the error i get

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

i tried that little script you posted earlier it crashes it too
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