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[SOLVED] Quest Show On Map

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Noble Member
I kinda need to know it for my server. Does anyone know how to do so when you like take up a quest it will display on the map like they do with retail quests?


Screenshot: Click here



Does an Addon do that? I wonder if a Blizzard Addon shows the POI of the quests. Don't know really, that might be the best way to do it either way.


Noble Member
Hmm, Foe in the core or what? I've heard it could be done in the database.

Tommy, it's not an addon and it 'works' for every quest, without any addons. (Retail)


Hmm, Foe in the core or what? I've heard it could be done in the database.

Tommy, it's not an addon and it 'works' for every quest, without any addons. (Retail)

TrinityCore (if you're using it) does have the 'poi' tables for your exact situation. Forgot all about them.



Noble Member
Oh thanks, I will try to use trinitycore's world description of those 2 tables, never really used them, lets hope it works..


Moderator / Eluna Dev
Hmm, for some reason the worldmapareaid doesnt seem to be correct for a quest I am looking at. Or then it isnt the areaID.
Check that the coordinates are right.

Can you show us the quest SQL?
I suspect that if for example you need to kill creatures, the first poi will be the area where you can find the creatures of the first thing you need to kill and so on.
Not sure.
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Noble Member
Thanks Tommy, and rochet2 i thought it could be something with the coordinates as well, but it should be correct enough, it of course changes to a smaller amount of numbers, but it should be okay i guess.

Basiclly you need to find the lost wolf, but i assume you would be able to see where it usually is on the map, as i gave the coordinates for it, or what?


I got the NPC icon showing:


Just basically looked at another quest in the same zone and started at it! Here's my SQL(s):

INSERT INTO `quest_poi` VALUES ('80000', '0', '0', '1', '41', '0', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `quest_poi` VALUES ('80000', '1', '1', '1', '41', '0', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO `quest_poi` VALUES ('80000', '2', '-1', '1', '41', '0', '0', '0');

INSERT INTO `quest_poi_points` VALUES ('80000', '0', '0', '10318', '827');
INSERT INTO `quest_poi_points` VALUES ('80000', '0', '1', '10314', '829');
INSERT INTO `quest_poi_points` VALUES ('80000', '1', '0', '10308', '815');

I only have 3 in the quest_poi_points because I was testing different icons. Hope this helps.


Noble Member
Thanks Tommy, and ow sorry rochet2, here's the quest:

INSERT INTO `quest_template` (`entry`, `Method`, `ZoneOrSort`, `SkillOrClassMask`, `MinLevel`, `MaxLevel`, `QuestLevel`, `Type`, `RequiredRaces`, `RequiredSkillValue`, `RepObjectiveFaction`, `RepObjectiveValue`, `RepObjectiveFaction2`, `RepObjectiveValue2`, `RequiredMinRepFaction`, `RequiredMinRepValue`, `RequiredMaxRepFaction`, `RequiredMaxRepValue`, `SuggestedPlayers`, `LimitTime`, `QuestFlags`, `SpecialFlags`, `CharTitleId`, `PlayersSlain`, `BonusTalents`, `RewardArenaPoints`, `PrevQuestId`, `NextQuestId`, `ExclusiveGroup`, `NextQuestInChain`, `RewXPId`, `SrcItemId`, `SrcItemCount`, `SrcSpell`, `Title`, `Details`, `Objectives`, `OfferRewardText`, `RequestItemsText`, `EndText`, `CompletedText`, `ObjectiveText1`, `ObjectiveText2`, `ObjectiveText3`, `ObjectiveText4`, `ReqItemId1`, `ReqItemId2`, `ReqItemId3`, `ReqItemId4`, `ReqItemId5`, `ReqItemId6`, `ReqItemCount1`, `ReqItemCount2`, `ReqItemCount3`, `ReqItemCount4`, `ReqItemCount5`, `ReqItemCount6`, `ReqSourceId1`, `ReqSourceId2`, `ReqSourceId3`, `ReqSourceId4`, `ReqSourceCount1`, `ReqSourceCount2`, `ReqSourceCount3`, `ReqSourceCount4`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId1`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId2`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId3`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId4`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount1`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount2`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount3`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount4`, `ReqSpellCast1`, `ReqSpellCast2`, `ReqSpellCast3`, `ReqSpellCast4`, `RewChoiceItemId1`, `RewChoiceItemId2`, `RewChoiceItemId3`, `RewChoiceItemId4`, `RewChoiceItemId5`, `RewChoiceItemId6`, `RewChoiceItemCount1`, `RewChoiceItemCount2`, `RewChoiceItemCount3`, `RewChoiceItemCount4`, `RewChoiceItemCount5`, `RewChoiceItemCount6`, `RewItemId1`, `RewItemId2`, `RewItemId3`, `RewItemId4`, `RewItemCount1`, `RewItemCount2`, `RewItemCount3`, `RewItemCount4`, `RewRepFaction1`, `RewRepFaction2`, `RewRepFaction3`, `RewRepFaction4`, `RewRepFaction5`, `RewRepValueId1`, `RewRepValueId2`, `RewRepValueId3`, `RewRepValueId4`, `RewRepValueId5`, `RewRepValue1`, `RewRepValue2`, `RewRepValue3`, `RewRepValue4`, `RewRepValue5`, `RewHonorAddition`, `RewHonorMultiplier`, `unk0`, `RewOrReqMoney`, `RewMoneyMaxLevel`, `RewSpell`, `RewSpellCast`, `RewSpellHiddenCast`, `RewMailTemplateId`, `RewMailDelaySecs`, `PointMapId`, `PointX`, `PointY`, `PointOpt`, `DetailsEmote1`, `DetailsEmote2`, `DetailsEmote3`, `DetailsEmote4`, `DetailsEmoteDelay1`, `DetailsEmoteDelay2`, `DetailsEmoteDelay3`, `DetailsEmoteDelay4`, `IncompleteEmote`, `CompleteEmote`, `OfferRewardEmote1`, `OfferRewardEmote2`, `OfferRewardEmote3`, `OfferRewardEmote4`, `OfferRewardEmoteDelay1`, `OfferRewardEmoteDelay2`, `OfferRewardEmoteDelay3`, `OfferRewardEmoteDelay4`, `RewSkillLineId`, `RewSkillPoints`, `RewRepMask`, `QuestGiverPortrait`, `QuestTurnInPortrait`, `RewCurrencyId1`, `RewCurrencyCount1`, `RewCurrencyId2`, `RewCurrencyCount2`, `RewCurrencyId3`, `RewCurrencyCount3`, `RewCurrencyId4`, `RewCurrencyCount4`, `ReqCurrencyId1`, `ReqCurrencyCount1`, `ReqCurrencyId2`, `ReqCurrencyCount2`, `ReqCurrencyId3`, `ReqCurrencyCount3`, `ReqCurrencyId4`, `ReqCurrencyCount4`, `QuestGiverPortraitText`, `QuestGiverPortraitUnk`, `QuestTurnInPortraitText`, `QuestTurnInPortraitUnk`, `QuestTargetMark`, `QuestStartType`, `SoundAccept`, `SoundTurnIn`, `RequiredSpell`, `StartScript`, `CompleteScript`, `WDBVerified`) VALUES (111299, 2, 16, 0, 85, 85, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4096, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 338744, 10, 0, 'Cujo\'s Food', 'Hi, $N! I have been waiting for you, and i was about to lose my hope, that some hero would come and help me out, but then you finally came! My wonderful wolf called Cujo is lost. Cujo keeps running around in the towns, and cannot find home to me. The reason why it can\'t find back home to me, is because it\'s a way too hungry to think. It just runs around and looks for food, but there\'s nothing in the towns it can eat. Once you find my wonderful dog called Cujo, please fed it and it will run back home to me.', 'Find my wonderful wolf, Cujo and feed him, with the item I gave you.', 'That\'s just amazing, $N! I\'ll tell everyone in the town about you! He finally went back home to me, it was so great to see him again. Thanks, $N!', '', 'Return it back home to Kherlord, and he\'ll give the wonderful news to the owner of the wolf.', NULL, NULL, 'Cujo\'s food', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33009, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23616, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 890, 878, 0, 0, 0, 1);

I'm trying to do, so it will get shown on the map where the wolf often is.

What you have to do on the quest: Find a wolf called cujo and use a spell on it, and therefor i want it to display on the map where it usually is.


Moderator / Eluna Dev
REPLACE INTO `quest_poi` (`questId`, `id`, `objIndex`, `mapid`, `WorldMapAreaId`, `FloorId`, `unk3`, `unk4`) VALUES (111299, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
REPLACE INTO `quest_poi_points` (`questId`, `id`, `idx`, `x`, `y`) VALUES (111299, 1, 0, 3518, -6652);

Fix the coords and mapID if it doesnt work.
You can also make it an area if you add more points.
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