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[SOLVED] Random World boss

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•Description: Hello everyone can someone help me make an script that : every 24hours an Random Rare boss at an random place spawns and if its killed the announce with the killers name(s)

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And the killer (s) get an random reward..


Well, we don't really have a request section for specific reasons (look @ the rules), but this is pretty simple, so I'll do it.

Imo, you could just spawn the bosses and give them a high respawn time instead of creating a script. Here's the boss 'death' announcement:

class npc_boss_died : public CreatureScript
    npc_boss_died() : CreatureScript("npc_boss_died") { }
    struct npc_boss_diedAI : public ScriptedAI
        npc_boss_diedAI(Creature* creature) : ScriptedAI(creature) { }
        void JustDied(Unit* killer)
            std::ostringstream ss;
            if (killer->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
                ss << killer->ToPlayer()->GetName()
                   << " has killed "
                   << me->GetName()
                   << " a Rare Boss!";
                sWorld->SendGlobalText(ss.str().c_str(), NULL);
    CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* creature) const
        return new npc_boss_diedAI(creature);

void AddSC_rare_boss()
    new npc_boss_died;


and what if i wanna that an creature (with an id) spawn's every 24h ?

As I said above:

Imo, you could just spawn the bosses and give them a high respawn time instead of creating a script.

It would deplete the purpose of a script and would save you time. This is how retail does it anyway, rare mobs = high respawn rate.


yep but idk its safer when i make an script ..
well i am pretty new at this script making etc so i dont get much things .. so idk ....

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But thank you ..
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