• This is a read only backup of the old Emudevs forum. If you want to have anything removed, please message me on Discord: KittyKaev

[Release] 19 Twink Vendors {All Major 3.3.5a Emulators}


{All Major Emulators at 3.3.5a}
- Arcemu
- Trinity
- Mangos

New Release by me. 19 Twink Vendors, I hope you all like it
and I hope it becomes useful to someone. If there is anything
wrong with my release please leave a reply telling me the problem so I can fix it. I try to add as many things to the vendor as possible but If you would like me to add something that would help everyone then post that below to. If you need any help you can also e-mail me at,


Pass: <none>


Mega Download
Pass: <none>

MultiVendor by Evilfairy
19 Twink MultiVendor Script
Original Post

* Fixed Trinity Insert Database Structure.
* Fixed Arcemu SQL Errors.
* Changed Display ID's to a more eye friendly ID.
* Changed subname's to support my name change.
* Simplified some SQL.
* Added Buy and Sell Price reset when you run the remove SQL.
* Added missing Leatherworking Recipes.
* Changed Required Skill on Lucky Fishing Hat.
* Added support for Evilfairy's MultiVendor Script.
* Updated Trinity SQL to support latest revision.
NPC Entry ID's:
90000 - Cloth Armor
90001 - Leather Armor
90002 - Mail Armor
90003 - One Hand Weapons
90004 - Two Hand Weapons
90005 - Jewelry
90006 - Cloaks and Off-Hands
90007 - Enchants
90008 - Bags
90009 - Pets
90010 - General Goods
90011 - Potions and Scrolls
90012 - Enchanting Materials
90013 - Enchanting Recipes
90014 - Alchemy Materials
90015 - Alchemy Recipes
90016 - Engineering Materials
90017 - Engineering Recipes
90018 - Inscription Materials (No Recipes for 150 Insc.)
90019 - Jewelcrafting Materials
90020 - Jewelcrafting Recipes
90021 - Leatherworking Materials
90022 - Leatherworking Recipes
90023 - Tailoring Materials
90024 - Tailoring Recipes
90025 - Ranged Weapons
90026 - Mounts (Modify's them for level 19)

Comes with the option to set Sell and Buy prices to 0.

Comes with the option to set Sell and Buy prices to 0.
More to come, enjoy...

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