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World Chat Script


thank you for this script.
but the player name can't click in world channel just like other channels. can you make the player name clickable?

I got the method.

just change the playername like this:



Mad Scientist
the colors are easy to remove. just gotta watch what you do remove.

local ChatPrefix = "#w";
local WorldChannelName = "World Channel";
local CooldownTimer = 5; -- Cooldown in seconds. Set to 0 for no CD obviously.

local Class = { -- Class colors :) Prettier and easier than the elseif crap :) THESE ARE HEX COLORS!
	[1] = "C79C6E",	-- Warrior
	[2] = "F58CBA",	-- Paladin
	[3] = "ABD473",	-- Hunter
	[4] = "FFF569",	-- Rogue
	[5] = "FFFFFF",	-- Priest
	[6] = "C41F3B",	-- Death Knight
	[7] = "0070DE",	-- Shaman
	[8] = "69CCF0",	-- Mage
	[9] = "9482C9",	-- Warlock
	[11] = "FF7d0A"	-- Druid

local Rank = {
	[0] = "7DFF00", -- Player
	[1] = "E700B1", -- Moderator
	[2] = "E7A200", -- Game Master
	[3] = "E7A200", -- Admin
	[4] = "E7A200" -- Console

 -- Do not edit below unless you know what you're doing :)
if (ChatPrefix:sub(-1) ~= " ") then
	ChatPrefix = ChatPrefix.." ";

local RCD = {};
function ChatSystem(event, player, msg, _, lang)
	if (RCD[player:GetGUIDLow()] == nil) then
		RCD[player:GetGUIDLow()] = 0;
	if (msg:sub(1, ChatPrefix:len()) == ChatPrefix) then
		local r = RCD[player:GetGUIDLow()] - os.clock();
		if (0 < r) then
			local s = string.format("|cFFFF0000You must wait %i second(s) before sending another chat message!|r", math.floor(r));
			RCD[player:GetGUIDLow()] = os.clock() + CooldownTimer;
			local t = table.concat({"[", WorldChannelName, "] [" , "|Hplayer:", player:GetName(), "|h", player:GetName(), "|h]: ", msg:sub(ChatPrefix:len()+1), ""});
		return false;

RegisterPlayerEvent(18, ChatSystem);
RegisterPlayerEvent(4, function(_, player) RCD[player:GetGUIDLow()] = 0; end);
bare minimum removed to remove the color.
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BETA Tester
I sorta got it. Added in those icons. ;D



This is pretty cool. i have this and a hard coded mod.
Now... is there a way to make it like a default channel such as /2 Trade or /1 General ?


Mad Scientist
there is .. I have my world chat triggered to /world channel . and as you see guild warz is triggered by /guild channel.

this event 18 is for /say channel
PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHAT = 18, // (event, player, msg, Type, lang) - Can return false

this event 21 is for guild chat channel
PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GUILD_CHAT = 21, // (event, player, msg, Type, lang, guild)

this event 22 is for channel chats
PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHANNEL_CHAT = 22, // (event, player, msg, Type, lang, channel)

I used event 22 to tie my world chat to channels. then used
to only do something when it is in /world channel.

here is a link to my modified version of foereaper's world chat : http://pastebin.com/zVrCyQC0

with that I just have to /join world then start typing
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Mad Scientist
Thanks for your personal version :)

I am getting the error

worldchat.lua:28: attempy to index global 'ACCT' <a nil value>

that's due to its trying to get info from a non-exsisting table ACCT{}. lol no prob I just threw that up there to show as an example but I updated the pastebin so it shouldn't produce that error now.