• This is a read only backup of the old Emudevs forum. If you want to have anything removed, please message me on Discord: KittyKaev

Search results

  1. DarkAngel

    Nexus-Defense - Progress on my 2d game

    Nice. Needs some work on the movement though. Edit: Looking forward to see the next versions... The score goes into the healthbar however when you get 100+
  2. DarkAngel

    WoW servers and the new generation of server owners

    What has happend? Back in the days people knew, that nothing were free. Now people expect help and when they do not get it, they speak of it as if people are evil! What has happend to fixing problems yourself? What has happend to people's self-respect? What has happend to doing the dirty...
  3. DarkAngel

    [SOLVED] More information: 'GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CAPTUREPOINT = 29'

    I am looking for more information in regards to this: 'GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CAPTUREPOINT = 29' gameobject type. Looking at kspn's data field information on the gameobject type I can see that many of them seem to contain unknown values. Any information is appreciated! Regards, DarkAngel
  4. DarkAngel

    Wiki access

    Hello, DarkAngel here. I created an account on the wiki yet I do not have access to create pages. I was wondering if I by any chance could get access to the Wiki, atleast in regards to Eluna. Regards, DarkAngel
  5. DarkAngel

    Information on worldstates

    Hello. I would like to know if anyone has any information regarding world states. Here is what I have: local packet = CreatePacket(0x2C2, 18) -- HORDE packet:WriteULong(mapid]) -- Map packet:WriteULong(zoneid) -- Zone packet:WriteULong(0) packet:WriteUShort(2) packet:WriteULong(0) --...
  6. DarkAngel

    [SOLVED] [TRINITY] Got a problem with my characters...

    Hi all. I recently converted (most) of my project from arcemu to trinitycore. The new trinity structure is still new to me, so bare with me if this is general knowledge. The error: When I create a character, it starts with a bow equipped as helmet, shoulderpads, left and right hand weapon. I...