• This is a read only backup of the old Emudevs forum. If you want to have anything removed, please message me on Discord: KittyKaev

[Eluna] 70 Lua Scripts - Huge Release - 2 Dungeons, Custom Items and Bosses, etc.


This is my first release, and I'm hoping it'll be a good one. I'm releasing somewhere in the region of 70 lua scripts, totalling ~5700 lines of code. These scripts were used in TwinkNation's 19 vanilla server. They work on MaNGOS, but I don't see why they wouldn't be compatible with any version of Eluna on Trinity too. There are some custom Eluna methods in the scripts, but don't worry about them too much.

I wrote all of these, and if I didn't, there's information about the author in the header. While not all the scripts are as graceful and eloquent as they could be, they're pretty much consistent and contain good coding practices for the most part (local variables, tables, no huge if/else blocks). I hope these will help beginners and serve as a guide for how to create good scripts, especially the dungeon scripts, which are by far the biggest part of this release. There are some scripted sequences and advanced database/gossip scripts that might be worth looking at.

If for some reason you want to actually run these on your server, you will need to remove the custom Eluna methods like "CreditBattlegroundVictory", remove references to BossTimerMgr in Instance scripts, and create custom creatures or change the IDs:

Download link: http://puu.sh/sTV6m/bc86819f2f.zip

MD5: 7987036BD586CE9ACAD2BB604CA41227

Please post or PM me any questions, and I'll be more than happy to answer them.

Have fun.


New member
Despite the owner's disappearance, you did some fabulous LUA work. Very clean code and the most creative content I've ever seen.

Thanks for giving the gift of happiness to hundreds of people. You'll do great things in the future.