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Eluna Transmogrification


Sexy Member
New bug found Reported by my players : When you repair your gear, the transmogs to that gear will be gone, so I lost all my transmogs after repairing...



this is giving me this error whats up with that?


Emulation Addict
Does that script still works?

I have create a npc with entry 100000, and on the top of the script local NPC_Entry = 100000 but i cant speak to my npc, is that normal?


Respected Member
Does that script still works?

I have create a npc with entry 100000, and on the top of the script local NPC_Entry = 100000 but i cant speak to my npc, is that normal?

The npc must set npcflag 1 in database for gossip option


Emulation Addict
Yea it works i have the menu, my bad i modifed the bad column.

But when I try to transmo nothing happens :s

I have this error : lua_scripts/transmo.lua:382: calling 'GetOwnerGUID' on bad self (Item expected, got pointer to nonexisting (invalidated) object (userdata). Check your code.)
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Moderator / Eluna Dev
The code needs to be updated to the new changes that dont allow saving objects over time.
Heads up: Many users will likely hit this error as well.

Corrected, try now.
Noticed we should implement a new method.


Moderator / Eluna Dev
Script updated to work with classic, tbc and wotlk.
Some logic fixes were made and some of the code was made clearer.


Hello Rochet, I ve installed the Transmogrifier script in the latest Eluna Woltk Core, and I can't use it, I dont know if it is broken or is my fault, I create the npc with flag 1 for gossips, I buy a normal sword and get some axes, dages and swords, but I can only see update menu and when I click it doesn't work.



PD: I have the client in French.

PD2: My eluna run perfectly with other scripts. And in server console there is no errors.
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Moderator / Eluna Dev
Hello Rochet, I ve installed the Transmogrifier script in the latest Eluna Woltk Core, and I can't use it, I dont know if it is broken or is my fault, I create the npc with flag 1 for gossips, I buy a normal sword and get some axes, dages and swords, but I can only see update menu and when I click it doesn't work.



PD: I have the client in French.

PD2: My eluna run perfectly with other scripts. And in server console there is no errors.

Do you use trinity?
Try adding
print(slotName, slot, player:GetDbcLocale())
local slotName = GetSlotName(slot, player:GetDbcLocale())

and report back what it prints.
If it doesnt print when you try to use the script, then either you dont have any items equipped or the equipped item quality is not allowed (shouldnt happen with your settings though)


Do you use trinity?
Try adding


and report back what it prints.
If it doesnt print when you try to use the script, then either you dont have any items equipped or the equipped item quality is not allowed (shouldnt happen with your settings though)

Thanks for the answer, Yes i am using Trinity Core

Here you are ---> https://gyazo.com/652b3b81d26f263b0afc223b2b0e6252

I click on update menu and nothing happen.
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does anyone have the NPC sql template for this ? I can't seem to get it right
INSERT INTO `creature_template` (`entry`,`difficulty_entry_1`,`difficulty_entry_2`,`difficulty_entry_3`,`KillCredit1`,`KillCredit2`,`modelid1`,`modelid2`,`modelid3`,`modelid4`,`name`,`subname`,`IconName`,`gossip_menu_id`,`minlevel`,`maxlevel`,`exp`,`faction`,`npcflag`,`speed_walk`,`speed_run`,`scale`,`rank`,`dmgschool`,`BaseAttackTime`,`RangeAttackTime`,`BaseVariance`,`RangeVariance`,`unit_class`,`unit_flags`,`unit_flags2`,`dynamicflags`,`family`,`trainer_type`,`trainer_spell`,`trainer_class`,`trainer_race`,`type`,`type_flags`,`lootid`,`pickpocketloot`,`skinloot`,`resistance1`,`resistance2`,`resistance3`,`resistance4`,`resistance5`,`resistance6`,`spell1`,`spell2`,`spell3`,`spell4`,`spell5`,`spell6`,`spell7`,`spell8`,`PetSpellDataId`,`VehicleId`,`mingold`,`maxgold`,`AIName`,`MovementType`,`InhabitType`,`HoverHeight`,`HealthModifier`,`ManaModifier`,`ArmorModifier`,`DamageModifier`,`ExperienceModifier`,`RacialLeader`,`movementId`,`RegenHealth`,`mechanic_immune_mask`,`flags_extra`,`ScriptName`,`VerifiedBuild`) VALUES('69000','0','0','0','0','0','7993','0','0','0','Transmogrification','','','0','80','80','0','35','1','1','1.14286','1','3','0','2000','2200','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','None','0','3','1','69','69','0','0','1','0','0','1','0','0','','0');
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hi guys . [MENTION=6]Rochet2[/MENTION] can you remove fake show for other players ? likes cataclysm transmogrifaction ?? I have a fun server and in events players transmogrifaction super weapons to low weapons . and i cant know what is they weapons can you help me about it ?