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Trinity Core with Eluna fails to start

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Exalted Member
Just pulled fresh from Github this morning and compiled. Used it with a fresh EDB as well as a fresh TrinityCore Database.

World Server loads everything fine and crashes on:

Starting objects pooling system...

Here is my entire server log:

TrinityCore rev. ce38ef0a1942 2014-09-14 00:33:06 +0300 (master branch) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

 ______                       __
/\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
\/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
   \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
    \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
     \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
      \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
                                 C O R E  /\___/
http://TrinityCore.org                    \/__/

Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1h 5 Jun 2014 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1h 5 Jun 2014)
Using Boost version: 1.55.0
Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: TDB 335.52
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 1079 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 21 ms
Initialize data stores...
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 52592 has already spellDifficultyId 3032. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3033.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 59368 has already spellDifficultyId 3032. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3033.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 52469 has already spellDifficultyId 3037. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3038.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 59364 has already spellDifficultyId 3037. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3038.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 52469 has already spellDifficultyId 3038. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3040.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 59364 has already spellDifficultyId 3038. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3040.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67881 has already spellDifficultyId 749. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3049.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67718 has already spellDifficultyId 749. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3049.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67881 has already spellDifficultyId 3049. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3050.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67718 has already spellDifficultyId 3049. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3050.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67883 has already spellDifficultyId 751. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3051.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67725 has already spellDifficultyId 751. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3051.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67875 has already spellDifficultyId 743. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3052.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67808 has already spellDifficultyId 743. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3052.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 68783 has already spellDifficultyId 1201. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3054.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 68784 has already spellDifficultyId 1201. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3054.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 65868 has already spellDifficultyId 818. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3062.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 67988 has already spellDifficultyId 818. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3062.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 50761 has already spellDifficultyId 3125. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3126.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 59727 has already spellDifficultyId 3125. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3126.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 48133 has already spellDifficultyId 3144. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3145.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 59271 has already spellDifficultyId 3144. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3145.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 54479 has already spellDifficultyId 3156. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3157.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 59471 has already spellDifficultyId 3156. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3157.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 49381 has already spellDifficultyId 3071. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3181.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 36924 has already spellDifficultyId 3187. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3188.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 39017 has already spellDifficultyId 3187. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3188.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 37162 has already spellDifficultyId 3189. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3190.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 39019 has already spellDifficultyId 3189. Will override with spellDifficultyId 3190.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 53472 has already spellDifficultyId 3027. Will override with spellDifficultyId 53472.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 59433 has already spellDifficultyId 3027. Will override with spellDifficultyId 53472.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 56130 has already spellDifficultyId 3020. Will override with spellDifficultyId 56130.
SpellMgr::SetSpellDifficultyId: Spell 59467 has already spellDifficultyId 3020. Will override with spellDifficultyId 56130.
>> Initialized 106 data stores in 1030 ms
Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: enUS 
Loading SpellInfo store...
>> Loaded SpellInfo store in 25 ms
Loading SpellInfo corrections...
>> Loaded SpellInfo corrections in 3 ms
Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...
>> Loaded 10219 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 1 ms
Loading SpellInfo custom attributes...
>> Loaded 144 spell custom attributes from DB in 27 ms
>> Loaded SpellInfo custom attributes in 39 ms
Loading GameObject models...
>> Loaded 2321 GameObject models in 11 ms
Loading Script Names...
>> Loaded 2277 Script Names in 1850 ms
Loading Instance Template...
>> Loaded 83 instance templates in 1 ms
Loading instances...
>> Loaded instances in 2 ms
Loading Broadcast texts...
>> Loaded 65824 broadcast texts in 495 ms
>> Loaded 65824 broadcast text locales in 844 ms
Loading Localization strings...
>> Localization strings loaded in 117 ms
Loading Account Roles and Permissions...
>> Loaded 615 permission definitions, 598 linked permissions and 4 default permissions in 2 ms
Loading Page Texts...
>> Loaded 1834 page texts in 73 ms
Loading Game Object Templates...
>> Loaded 19063 game object templates in 166 ms
Loading Transport templates...
>> Loaded 30 transport templates in 11 ms
Loading Spell Rank Data...
>> Loaded 3461 spell rank records in 80 ms
Loading Spell Required Data...
>> Loaded 41 spell required records in 10 ms
Loading Spell Group types...
>> Loaded 463 spell group definitions in 18 ms
Loading Spell Learn Skills...
>> Loaded 99 Spell Learn Skills from DBC in 2 ms
Loading Spell Learn Spells...
>> Loaded 8 spell learn spells + 572 found in DBC in 4 ms
Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
>> Loaded 1084 extra spell proc event conditions in 48 ms
Loading Spell Proc conditions and data...
>> Loaded 0 spell proc conditions and data. DB table `spell_proc` is empty.
Loading Spell Bonus Data...
>> Loaded 332 extra spell bonus data in 25 ms
Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
>> Loaded 106 SpellThreatEntries in 33 ms
Loading Spell Group Stack Rules...
>> Loaded 54 spell group stack rules in 32 ms
Loading NPC Texts...
>> Loaded 6046 npc texts in 205 ms
Loading Enchant Spells Proc datas...
>> Loaded 42 enchant proc data definitions in 43 ms
Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...
>> Loaded 28607 Item Enchantment definitions in 98 ms
Loading Disables
>> Loaded 789 disables in 65 ms
Loading Items...
>> Loaded 37294 item templates in 1130 ms
Loading Item set names...
>> Loaded 2481 item set names in 161 ms
Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...
>> Loaded 24142 creature model based info in 101 ms
Loading Creature templates...
>> Loaded 29924 creature definitions in 599 ms
Loading Equipment templates...
>> Loaded 8642 equipment templates in 166 ms
Loading Creature template addons...
>> Loaded 7627 creature template addons in 80 ms
Loading Reputation Reward Rates...
>> Loaded 14 reputation_reward_rate in 10 ms
Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...
>> Loaded 2002 creature award reputation definitions in 24 ms
Loading Reputation Spillover Data...
>> Loaded 26 reputation_spillover_template in 16 ms
Loading Points Of Interest Data...
>> Loaded 453 Points of Interest definitions in 54 ms
Loading Creature Base Stats...
>> Loaded 400 creature base stats in 20 ms
Loading Creature Data...
>> Loaded 143736 creatures in 1662 ms
Loading Temporary Summon Data...
>> Loaded 124 temp summons in 55 ms
Loading pet levelup spells...
>> Loaded 993 pet levelup and default spells for 39 families in 4 ms
Loading pet default spells additional to levelup spells...
>> Loaded addition spells for 111 pet spell data entries in 2 ms
Loading summonable creature templates...
>> Loaded 380 summonable creature templates in 2 ms
Loading Creature Addon Data...
>> Loaded 34245 creature addons in 94 ms
Loading Gameobject Data...
>> Loaded 82916 gameobjects in 1130 ms
Loading Creature Linked Respawn...
>> Loaded 5502 linked respawns in 27 ms
Loading Weather Data...
>> Loaded 35 weather definitions in 0 ms
Loading Quests...
>> Loaded 9464 quests definitions in 502 ms
Checking Quest Disables
>> Checked 651 quest disables in 1 ms
Loading Quest POI
>> Loaded 18759 quest POI definitions in 364 ms
Loading Quests Starters and Enders...
Loading GO Start Quest Data...
>> Loaded 524 quest relations from gameobject_queststarter in 30 ms
Loading GO End Quest Data...
>> Loaded 454 quest relations from gameobject_questender in 11 ms
Loading Creature Start Quest Data...
>> Loaded 7505 quest relations from creature_queststarter in 82 ms
Loading Creature End Quest Data...
>> Loaded 7852 quest relations from creature_questender in 50 ms
Loading Objects Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 3034 objects pools in 2 ms
Loading Creatures Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 907 creatures in pools in 2 ms
Loading Gameobject Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 24080 gameobject in pools in 32 ms
Loading Mother Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 2269 pools in mother pools in 82 ms
Loading Quest Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 163 quests in pools in 1 ms
Starting objects pooling system...
Last edited:


Super Baked
Error still happening? I am going to recompile the main trinitycore source tomorrow and do it the real way.


Exalted Member
I can no longer compile the freshest source of Eluna, here are the errors:

Compile Errors:

15>------ Build started: Project: worldserver, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
15>  Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Dylan/Documents/Game Development/Sources/ElunaTrinityFixed/src/server/worldserver/CMakeLists.txt
15>  CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Dylan\Documents\Game Development\Builds\ElunaFixed\src\server\worldserver\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
15>  worldPCH.cpp
15>  CliRunnable.cpp
15>  RASession.cpp
15>  TCSoap.cpp
15>  Main.cpp
15>  WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
15>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_server_init@12 referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl MySQL::Library_Init(void)" (?Library_Init@MySQL@@SAXXZ)
15>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_server_end@0 referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl MySQL::Library_End(void)" (?Library_End@MySQL@@SAXXZ)
15>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_get_client_version@0 referenced in function "public: __thiscall DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>::DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>(void)" (??0?$DatabaseWorkerPool@VCharacterDatabaseConnection@@@@QAE@XZ)
15>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_get_server_version@4 referenced in function "private: bool __thiscall DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>::OpenConnections(enum DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>::InternalIndex,unsigned char)" (?OpenConnections@?$DatabaseWorkerPool@VCharacterDatabaseConnection@@@@AAE_NW4InternalIndex@1@E@Z)
15>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_thread_safe@0 referenced in function "public: __thiscall DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>::DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>(void)" (??0?$DatabaseWorkerPool@VCharacterDatabaseConnection@@@@QAE@XZ)
15>game.lib(World.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_ping@4 referenced in function "private: virtual bool __thiscall PingOperation::Execute(void)" (?Execute@PingOperation@@EAE_NXZ)
15>scripts.lib(cs_misc.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>scripts.lib(cs_wp.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>game.lib(PlayerDump.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>scripts.lib(cs_ban.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>scripts.lib(cs_go.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>scripts.lib(cs_gobject.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>game.lib(CharacterHandler.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16 referenced in function "private: unsigned long __thiscall DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>::EscapeString(char *,char const *,unsigned long)" (?EscapeString@?$DatabaseWorkerPool@VCharacterDatabaseConnection@@@@AAEKPADPBDK@Z)
15>game.lib(Pet.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>game.lib(PetitionsHandler.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>game.lib(GroupHandler.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_escape_string@16
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_free_result@4 referenced in function "public: __thiscall ResultSet::~ResultSet(void)" (??1ResultSet@@QAE@XZ)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_free_result@4
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_fetch_row@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall ResultSet::NextRow(void)" (?NextRow@ResultSet@@QAE_NXZ)
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_fetch_field@4 referenced in function "public: __thiscall PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct st_mysql_stmt *,struct st_mysql_res *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QAE@PAUst_mysql_stmt@@PAUst_mysql_res@@_KI@Z)
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_fetch@4 referenced in function "public: __thiscall PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct st_mysql_stmt *,struct st_mysql_res *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QAE@PAUst_mysql_stmt@@PAUst_mysql_res@@_KI@Z)
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_store_result@4 referenced in function "public: __thiscall PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct st_mysql_stmt *,struct st_mysql_res *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QAE@PAUst_mysql_stmt@@PAUst_mysql_res@@_KI@Z)
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_bind_result@8 referenced in function "public: __thiscall PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct st_mysql_stmt *,struct st_mysql_res *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QAE@PAUst_mysql_stmt@@PAUst_mysql_res@@_KI@Z)
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_free_result@4 referenced in function "private: void __thiscall PreparedResultSet::CleanUp(void)" (?CleanUp@PreparedResultSet@@AAEXXZ)
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_error@4 referenced in function "public: __thiscall PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct st_mysql_stmt *,struct st_mysql_res *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QAE@PAUst_mysql_stmt@@PAUst_mysql_res@@_KI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_error@4
15>shared.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_num_rows@4 referenced in function "public: __thiscall PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct st_mysql_stmt *,struct st_mysql_res *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QAE@PAUst_mysql_stmt@@PAUst_mysql_res@@_KI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_num_rows@4
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_fetch_fields@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::_Query(char const *,struct st_mysql_res * *,struct st_mysql_field * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPBDPAPAUst_mysql_res@@PAPAUst_mysql_field@@PA_KPAI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_field_count@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::_Query(char const *,struct st_mysql_res * *,struct st_mysql_field * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPBDPAPAUst_mysql_res@@PAPAUst_mysql_field@@PA_KPAI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_affected_rows@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::_Query(char const *,struct st_mysql_res * *,struct st_mysql_field * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPBDPAPAUst_mysql_res@@PAPAUst_mysql_field@@PA_KPAI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_errno@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Execute(class PreparedStatement *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPAVPreparedStatement@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(Transaction.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_errno@4
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_error@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Execute(char const *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPBD@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_thread_id@4 referenced in function "private: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::_HandleMySQLErrno(unsigned int)" (?_HandleMySQLErrno@MySQLConnection@@AAE_NI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_set_character_set@8 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UAE_NXZ)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_init@4 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UAE_NXZ)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_real_connect@32 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UAE_NXZ)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_query@8 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Execute(char const *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPBD@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_store_result@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::_Query(char const *,struct st_mysql_res * *,struct st_mysql_field * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPBDPAPAUst_mysql_res@@PAPAUst_mysql_field@@PA_KPAI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_get_server_info@4 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UAE_NXZ)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_get_client_info@0 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UAE_NXZ)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_options@12 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UAE_NXZ)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_init@4 referenced in function "protected: void __thiscall MySQLConnection::PrepareStatement(unsigned int,char const *,enum ConnectionFlags)" (?PrepareStatement@MySQLConnection@@IAEXIPBDW4ConnectionFlags@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_prepare@12 referenced in function "protected: void __thiscall MySQLConnection::PrepareStatement(unsigned int,char const *,enum ConnectionFlags)" (?PrepareStatement@MySQLConnection@@IAEXIPBDW4ConnectionFlags@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_execute@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Execute(class PreparedStatement *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPAVPreparedStatement@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_bind_param@8 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Execute(class PreparedStatement *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPAVPreparedStatement@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_close@4 referenced in function "protected: void __thiscall MySQLConnection::PrepareStatement(unsigned int,char const *,enum ConnectionFlags)" (?PrepareStatement@MySQLConnection@@IAEXIPBDW4ConnectionFlags@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(PreparedStatement.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_close@4
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_result_metadata@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::_Query(class PreparedStatement *,struct st_mysql_res * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPAVPreparedStatement@@PAPAUst_mysql_res@@PA_KPAI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_field_count@4 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::_Query(class PreparedStatement *,struct st_mysql_res * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QAE_NPAVPreparedStatement@@PAPAUst_mysql_res@@PA_KPAI@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_autocommit@8 referenced in function "public: virtual bool __thiscall MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UAE_NXZ)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_more_results@4 referenced in function "public: class PreparedResultSet * __thiscall MySQLConnection::Query(class PreparedStatement *)" (?Query@MySQLConnection@@QAEPAVPreparedResultSet@@PAVPreparedStatement@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_next_result@4 referenced in function "public: class PreparedResultSet * __thiscall MySQLConnection::Query(class PreparedStatement *)" (?Query@MySQLConnection@@QAEPAVPreparedResultSet@@PAVPreparedStatement@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_close@4 referenced in function "public: virtual __thiscall MySQLConnection::~MySQLConnection(void)" (??1MySQLConnection@@UAE@XZ)
15>shared.lib(PreparedStatement.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_param_count@4 referenced in function "public: __thiscall MySQLPreparedStatement::MySQLPreparedStatement(struct st_mysql_stmt *)" (??0MySQLPreparedStatement@@QAE@PAUst_mysql_stmt@@@Z)
15>shared.lib(PreparedStatement.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_stmt_attr_set@12 referenced in function "public: __thiscall MySQLPreparedStatement::MySQLPreparedStatement(struct st_mysql_stmt *)" (??0MySQLPreparedStatement@@QAE@PAUst_mysql_stmt@@@Z)
15>C:\Users\Dylan\Documents\Game Development\Builds\ElunaFixed\bin\Release\worldserver.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 43 unresolved externals


Moderator / Eluna Dev
I can no longer compile the freshest source of Eluna, here are the errors:
15>------ Build started: Project: worldserver, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
15>  Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Dylan/Documents/Game Development/Sources/ElunaTrinityFixed/src/server/worldserver/CMakeLists.txt
15>  CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Dylan\Documents\Game Development\Builds\ElunaFixed\src\server\worldserver\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
15>  Main.cpp
15>  WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
15>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_server_init@12 referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl MySQL::Library_Init(void)" (?Library_Init@MySQL@@SAXXZ)
15>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mysql_server_end@0 referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl MySQL::Library_End(void)" (?Library_End@MySQL@@SAXXZ)
atal error LNK1120: 43 unresolved externals

You should clear your cmake cache and then configure and generate.
I had this same when I worked with fixing this issue this morning.
I just had to do those steps and everythig was fine.

Also FYI that the startup issue was fixed.

Also notice that the build has been confirmed to build succesfully on windows, and linux with clang, but not gcc. Pending on gcc confirmation - shouldnt take long
Last edited:


Exalted Member
You should clear your cmake cache and then configure and generate.
I had this same when I worked with fixing this issue this morning.
I just had to do those steps and everythig was fine.

Also FYI that the startup issue was fixed.

Hmm, i cleared my Cmake cache, but i'm still getting the same errors.

I'll re-clone the source and try everything again


Moderator / Eluna Dev
It could be that your mysql path is set to the wrong mysql library.
It is either 32 or 64 bit and you could be having the other.


Exalted Member
It could be that your mysql path is set to the wrong mysql library.
It is either 32 or 64 bit and you could be having the other.

I've got a 64bit mysql installed, not sure why i'm just now getting errors though. Guess i'll install 32bit and change the PATH to that install.

welp, not really sure why but even installing a new MySQL with 32bit doesn't fix the error.
Last edited:
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