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Search results

  1. yvoms

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 [Download] TrinityCore 3.3.5 [Dbc, Maps, VMaps, MMaps] Dec 17, 2016

    Fresh TrinityCore Dbc, Maps, VMaps, MMaps files for 3.3.5. Rev: c809c220e29f7094121cc8489f5588d8bfee414d Date: Dec 17, 2016 Compatibility: 3.3.5 Trinitycore (V1.6 Extractors) Dbc, Maps, Cameras: Download (156.0mb) - source mega.nz - updated 17-12-2016 VMaps: Download (249.0 mb) - source...
  2. yvoms

    [SOLVED] git revert?

    Hey guys, i was trying to like, import a few feutures from rochet, when i accidently added reforge, I'm not in need of this, and i would like to revert the changes, how would i do this if i have the command line still opened? My current view : https://gyazo.com/e3cf9fe51832d1286ac0727e6cbd3630...
  3. yvoms

    TrinityCore 3.3.5 Teleportstone requirements/cooldown

    Greetings emudevs, I've created an iconized teleporter stone, its working as it should however i'm not quite sure on how to add a faction check, since alliance players shouldn't be able to teleport to horde locations, also Shattarath(60) and Dalaran(75) shouldn't be shown unless the required...
  4. yvoms

    Item gossip basic teleporter (colorized + Icons)

    Greetings Edevs I have created something nice once again. An item teleporter, i changed my hearthstone to function as a teleporter on right click. As of now it teleports you but you can alter the actions. make sure to use rochet2's item gossip patch /* Teleporter item. Adjust the teleporter...
  5. yvoms

    [SOLVED] SQL Update entry +1

    Hey guys, i would like to know how to update the entry +1, and loop it till the last row. So for example looping it; http://prntscr.com/8gzv5w I would like to update the rows to 500001 + 1 and loop it, so it updates each row, for example 500001, 500002, 500003, 500004, 500005,
  6. yvoms

    [SOLVED] Spirit

    Greetings emudevs, I have a minor issue, i've set trinitycore to be able to make players level up to level 255, However spirit is not calculating as it should. The subeffect of the stat is kind of bugged, As you would think it should increase more and more each level. Instead it drops a bit...
  7. yvoms

    [SOLVED] ongossipselect

    I have applied rochet2's item and player gossip, However the below script does not seem to be functionizing, i've been told to debug it however i have no clue on how to do so. Could anyone please assist me with this, and tell me what i've done wrong? #include "ScriptPCH.h" class Teleportert ...
  8. yvoms

    [Trinitycore] Starter gear

    I was bored so i decided to make starter gear for fun servers. I've made everything except for weapons/rings/neck/trinks Feel free to use it for your server, included a simple string to change phoenix to YOURSERVERNAME. So just change YOURSERVERNAME to what your server is called. Stats : 100...
  9. yvoms

    [Trinitycore] PYDB - Up To Date

    [Trinitycore] PYDB - Up To Date - 255 stable core! Greetings emudevs, Today i shall be presenting something i have been working on for quite some time, I think this is the first stable and optimized database for 255 trinitycore servers. The database is up to date has no custom items or so...
  10. yvoms

    [Download] TrinityCore 3.3.5 [Dbc, Maps, VMaps, MMaps] Dec 8, 2015

    Fresh TrinityCore Dbc, Maps, VMaps, MMaps files for 3.3.5. Rev: 30fc4f9f63b7a0ce01e5aad4667902991b70e298 Date: Dec 8, 2014 Compatibility: 3.3.5 Trinitycore Dbc: Download (6.2mb) - source mega.co.nz Maps: Download (114.6mb) - source mega.co.nz VMaps: Download (226.2mb) - source mega.co.nz...
  11. yvoms

    [SOLVED] Player_classlevelstats

    hmm, so i thought i was smart and tried making an Sql query like INSERT INTO `player_classlevelstats` (`class`, `level`, `basehp`, `basemana`) select 1, l.level, 8121 * pow(1.05, l.level - 81), 0 from player_classlevelstats l where l.level >= 81 and l.level <= 255 However it does...
  12. yvoms

    Blizzard banned 0.5 million accounts

    Blizzard banned 1.5 million playeraccounts for Lua exploits, Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Feel free to share your opinion on this topic. "Blizzard Drops Ban Hammer on Popular World of Warcraft Bot HonorBuddy users hit with a six-month ban." "Blizzard has issued temporary bans to a...
  13. yvoms

    [SOLVED] Editing arena minlevel

    Hi there guys, Im trying to edit the min level to join arenas trough the battlegroundmanager, ("H") key. I've edited the minlevel etc in the battleground_template database, i've edited the core a bit, but yet it tells me the required level is 70 Does anyone have any idea where this can be...
  14. yvoms

    [skyfire] Up-To Date files

    Greetings guys, I've been checking around a bit where to post this. This download contains the most up to date database file you may be able to find for the patch 5.4.8 It also includes the Maps, Vmaps, and DBC files, and is totally +/- 750 MB of size. I do not take credits whatsoever, I'm just...
  15. yvoms


    Greetings guys, I've began developing a funserver on the current revision of trinitycore. and i aim to keep it up to date. Therefore im starting completely blank, Unfortunately there have been so many changes within the database and core itself i could not insert my previous work. I'm releasing...
  16. yvoms

    Merry Christmas

    Greetings EmuDevs, I hereby wish you all, the entire community its members, and its staff A warm and joyful Christmas, And a happy new year! I look forward to a year of Support, And Contributions! May you all have warm holidays! ~yvoms
  17. yvoms

    [SOLVED] Adding to core

    So i was curious, since one of my friends told me Eluna is a massive addition to my server, I wanted to add it, I cloned the stuff from git, and i have it on my desktop. As of now i want to add it to my current core/build, or do i need to do a recompile? Anyways i do need a little bit of...
  18. yvoms

    [SOLVED] Trinitycore multiple servers

    Im trying to set up 2 seprate realms, using the same realmlist, and the same authserver. I have setup the following 1 auth server. 2 world servers. 2 world databases. 2 character databases. 2 entries in realmlist(database) - When i try to launch worldserver1 - its going all good. when i try to...
  19. yvoms

    EmuDevs Background

    Out of pure boredom i have created a EmuDevs Background, You all can use it and alter it however you like it. Unfortunately i forgot to save the PSD, but if really needed i can recover/recreate it. It looks neat on my background preview here : You all can use it as i mentioned above.
  20. yvoms

    [SOLVED] xp?

    Is it me or is the XP stuff just not working? i need one point to level up, and i tried multiple things to check whether i get points or not. I assume its still in BETA? Sorry for posting, Just curiosity.