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[SOLVED] How can i do like this? :O

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Okay, I really like this, but how do I make it like this:

For example, if being a owner on the server, and write somthing in the chat it turns like:

Wolf: Hello

But I want it like this:

Wolf-Administrator: Hello

Also, I want that feature for GM, VIP and all these ranks. (Admin should also have the star. (*) and GM)

and I want vip to have like:

Testing-VIP: Hello or:
Testing-Premium: Hello I also want: When pressing on a VIP Character (in-game) you can see the name like: Test (*)

Is it possible to get it? if so, how...


Moderator / Eluna Dev
You would need to use a core modification or possibly edit the name, for example in DB.


Okay, more details? I tried to change my name with : Test (*) once, but it said it was denied.


Insane Member
Check this https://github.com/WarHead/uwom-server/commit/ab023e847 but this have maked some problem so Trinity revert it https://github.com/WarHead/uwom-server/commit/569c922ea6af3e1f559017694d852bc72f40d52a

this display the name in who list with GM tag or Admin tag i think its works on chat too wehn you wirte

That's not what hes talking about at all.

It sounds simple enough to just edit a few bits in the core to make this happen. I'm not sure if the client would fuss at all at these new names.


That's not what hes talking about at all.

It sounds simple enough to just edit a few bits in the core to make this happen. I'm not sure if the client would fuss at all at these new names.

On ArcEmu you can edit it through the database without any problems from the server or client. I'm pretty sure TrinityCore has a few checks regarding this. I'm not entirely sure what checks they might have though. However, you might want to check CMSG_NAME_QUERY/SMSG_NAME_QUERY opcodes considering that's where the client sends the name and vice versa. The only issue you'd have is when you want to appear to a said player with a name edited like that.


Mad Scientist
Ok I may be reading it all wrong but it reads to me like he would just like to add extra names to player names in the chat box...

For example, if being a owner on the server, and write somthing in the chat it turns like:

Wolf: Hello

But I want it like this:

Wolf-Administrator: Hello

Also, I want that feature for GM, VIP and all these ranks. (Admin should also have the star. (*) and GM)

and I want vip to have like:

Testing-VIP: Hello or:
Testing-Premium: Hello I also want: When pressing on a VIP Character (in-game) you can see the name like: Test (*)

Is it possible to get it? if so, how...

so wouldn't a modified Foereaper chat script work ?
like this:
local Team =  {
				[0] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\Inv_Misc_Tournaments_banner_Human.png:13|t]",
				[1] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\Inv_Misc_Tournaments_banner_Orc.png:13|t]"
local Class = { 
  			    [1] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Sword_27.png:13|t]",
		        [2] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Hammer_01.png:13|t]",
		        [3] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Weapon_Bow_07.png:13|t]",
		        [4] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\INV_ThrowingKnife_04.png:13|t]",
		        [5] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Staff_30.png:13|t",
		        [6] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\Spell_Deathknight_ClassIcon.png:13|t]",
		        [7] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\inv_jewelry_talisman_04.png:13|t]",
		        [8] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Staff_30.png:13|t]",
		        [9] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\INV_Staff_30.png:13|t]",
		        [11] = "[|TInterface\\icons\\Ability_Druid_Maul.png:13|t]",
local Gmrank = {
				[0] = "|cff00ffff[Player]|r",
				[1] = "[|TINTERFACE/CHATFRAME/UI-CHATICON-BLIZZ:13:13:0:-1|t]|cffff0000[GM1]|r",
				[2] = "|TINTERFACE/CHATFRAME/UI-CHATICON-BLIZZ:13:13:0:-1|t|cffff0000[GM2]|r",
				[3] = "|TINTERFACE/CHATFRAME/UI-CHATICON-BLIZZ:13:13:0:-1|t|cffff0000[GM3]|r",
				[4] = "|TINTERFACE/CHATFRAME/UI-CHATICON-BLIZZ:13:13:0:-1|t|cff7f00ff[LEAD GM]|r",
				[5] = "[|TINTERFACE/CHATFRAME/UI-CHATICON-BLIZZ:13:13:0:-1|t][|cff999999ADMIN|r]"
function ChatSystem(event, player, msg, type, lang, channel)
		local Viprank = "[|cff3399ffVIP"..ACCT[player:GetAccountId()].Vip.."|r]";
		local t = table.concat{Team[player:GetTeam()], Class[player:GetClass()], Gmrank[player:GetGMRank()], Viprank, "[|cff3399ff","|Hplayer:", player:GetName(),  "|h", player:GetName(), "|h", "|r]:|cff00cc00",  msg};
	return false;
RegisterPlayerEvent(22, ChatSystem)
he would just have to modify a clean one to his own needs.
lol or maybe im just real high rofl


OP wasn't very specific about what he really wanted honestly. Not sure if he wants a custom script or edit general names.


Mad Scientist
yea not too sure if he was wanting a couple channels or all channels or A channel lol guess could table all the channels and custom channels then hook it too all tabled channels lol but if that route then core edit sounds much easier and cleaner :D


Mad Scientist
lol yea altho it can be de-channeled so it just hooks to player chat(18-22) he truly cant say he doesn't have many options shown to him. :D

this fires on any chat:

function ChatSystem(event, player, msg, type, lang, channel)
RegisterPlayerEvent(18, ChatSystem)
RegisterPlayerEvent(19, ChatSystem)
RegisterPlayerEvent(20, ChatSystem)
RegisterPlayerEvent(21, ChatSystem)
RegisterPlayerEvent(22, ChatSystem)
channel will produce nil if not chatting in a channel.
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I'm looking for a detection system.

If being administrator it will turn into: Wolfz-Administrator (In the chat!)
and so on, same with all the custom ranks:

Also premium users (and GM, admins and all custom ranks with GM access have): (*) behind the name of the character!

Hope you guys understand me. :)


Mad Scientist
so not just chat but any instance a player is identified .. like the who list .. friend/ignore list , gm list , raid lists, guild, .....


Mad Scientist
hmmm yea I can help with the chat parts but the rest would require a source edit (above my head for now). either every time that playername is called or maybe if it gets tabled initially upon login then maybe it could be modified at that point or some how edit player names in the db plus be able to demote or remove a custom tag all together but I don't know much bout c++ .
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hmmm yea I can help with the chat parts but the rest would require a source edit . either every time that playername is called or maybe if it gets tabled initially upon login then maybe it could be modified at that point or some how edit player names in the db plus be able to demote or remove a custom tag all together but I don't know much bout c++ .
I would appreciate that with the chat parts. But here is some useful info:

I saw a server using this, and what I know, it is that (premium & vip users) can use special commands which is:

.utility viptag (on & off) I think, it will turn on the: Premiumchar (*) and Premiumss-Premium: Hello ¨

I think, im not 100% sure. hope it helped.


This is how its going to look like when a Premium user writes in the chat:


And this is how it looks like when the characters is vip (All characters should have it, even new created characters)

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