• This is a read only backup of the old Emudevs forum. If you want to have anything removed, please message me on Discord: KittyKaev

[Eluna] Grumbo`z Guild Warz 'Tides of Desolation'


Mad Scientist
- update -

- update 9/17/2014 -

i decided to create a WiKi for this system.
this contains tutorial for installation, setup and proper command usage.
DataBase information
it contains in-depth information and examples of features
links to videos.
intro to basic area setup

this took a few days but its now complete and should cover everything you can do with Grumbo'z Guild Warz.


this is my first wiki so any info helps
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Mad Scientist
I got this error while reloading the eluna system.

Prntscr Link

Used print screen cause I didn't want to upload to imgur.

your error states
<Valid ItemEntry expected>

from what im seeing LINE 153 --> `local Currencyname = GetItemLink(GWCOMM["SERVER"].currency)`is not a valid ItemEntry .

`GWCOMM["SERVER"].currency` produces a value of 62006 by default.
but if you didnt add the sql for the default custom currency then you could recieve this error.

just add the custom currency sql to your world DB ::

or you can change the default ItemEntry ID in the guild_warz.commands table `currency`in the row for 'SERVER' the default value is 62006.

Remember to do a FULL Server Restart
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Super Baked
A lot of your DB structures are outdated with the new Trinitycore DB Revision: 355:55. Which I saw this earlier but didn't make a attempt to make a post.


Your VIP system's DB query(s) are also outdated. Which I mean it's not a major issue cause it can be fixed. But for the general core managers reviewing your work, it would be good to update the .sql files.
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Mad Scientist
yea i am still using ace based cores so everything is ace based.
but a GOOD point none the less. i will add a rem statement at the top `o` each sql about this .
you can change the default value to your own choice in the Commands DB , row `SERVER` , column 22 `currency`.

- update - 9-18-2014
stripped down the item/npc/go sql data file to just the needed data so they are easier to cross-over to Boost Cores.

8100 views in 9 months . :jaw: wooohoooooooo :peace: everyone Enjoy :fencing:
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Mad Scientist
and now for​

Cataclysm 4.3.4

--Modified-Tested and Approved for TC2 4.3.4 Eluna--

>> Grumbo'z Guild Warz 4.3.4 <<

1 year old now with 13,423 views :eek:
that's 36.77 per day :eek:
thanks everyone :RpS_smile:

update 02/09/2015:
added the ability to add a buff vendor at each guild location. the guild location must have a hall to support vendors. these buff vendors are guild specific. you try to use a vendor at a location not owned by your guild then that vendor wont work, and might complain at you. the buff vendor will open a gossip screen with a choice of buffs to choose from.

this requires updating:

update 02/10/2015:
now guild members with access to the sell commands can sell the individual gameobjects and npc's of acquired locations now, rather than only being able to sell the whole location.

this requires updating:
Lua file

update 02/12/2015:
The sql that creates the DB kept throwing errors at the end. it didn't cause any problems with the script running but its better if it didn't error at all so I fixed it.
updated the wiki with the new entries today. :D
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Mad Scientist
Update 02/14/2015 ver:4.75
pushed latest version today.
now with 3 dynamic vendors. if the vendorX_id is 0 then its not active.

vendor1_id is a built-in buff vendor . in the script. you can stop using the default in-script vendor by setting buff_vendor=0 at the start of the script, then change the vendor1_id to your choice.(be shure you have a vendor for each team. i.e. 200,201 for vendor1)(the id's in the GGW table will be in alliance id's(team_id = 0)

vendor2_id is a misc fun items vendor added in the NPC_GOB_item.sql file now. you can change the vendor id by using the `set` command.

vendor3 can be a vendor you make your self via sql or lua.

vendor_id's can be changed/added/removed live in-game.(wont affect already existing vendors)

updated the commands screen dynamically with the new vendors so only active vendors show.

now all the color for screen outputs can be adjusted by the guild masters for coolness.
added some error messages to help with the `set` command.

lol I will work on the wiki tomorrow and add these

I also may change how this handles vendors by just adding them to the script in lua.

went ahead and added 2 lua item vendors.
vendor1 Buff vendor.
vendor2 fun items vendor. misc stuff like foam sword, bubblegum ....
vendor 3 Gear vendor. misc weapons.
you can change these item entries by editing the appropriate table of built-in vendors block at the beginning of the script. if you wish to disable a vendor just set `operational switch` to '0' in the built-in vendors block at the beginning of the script .

line 47.
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- built-in vendors operational switches and item tables
-- -----------------------------------------------------
local vendor1 = 1; -- use built-in vendor 1 0/1 no/yes.
local vendor2 = 1; -- use built-in vendor 2 0/1 no/yes.
local vendor3 = 1; -- use built-in vendor 3 0/1 no/yes.

-- vendor buffs {spell_id, "menu selection name"}, last entry must be the `{0, "good bye"}` entry -- vendor1
local Vendor1 = {{23767, "Armor + 10%"},{23768, "Damage + 1 - 10%"},{23769, "Resistances + 25"},{23736, "Agility + 10%"},{23766, "Intelligence + 10%"},{23738, "Spirit + 10%"},{23735, "Strength + 10%"},{23737, "Stamina + 10%"},{25840, "Heal Me"},{0, "good bye"},};

-- vendor items {item_id, custom_cost}, if no custom cost then use 0.(vendor item limit = 10 items per 15 pages) -- vendor2, vendor3
local Vendor2 = {{7734,0},{6948,0},{49912,0},{34498,0},{46693,0},{34499,0},{35557,0},{37431,0},{17202,0},{21038,0},{46783,0},}; -- funny items
local Vendor3 = {{32837,0},{32838,0},{22736,0},{19019,0},{51858,0},{24550,0},{2000,0},{50730,0},{50070,0},{34196,0},{30906,0},}; -- misc gear
-- -----------------------------------------------------

Here are screen sots of each:
the buff vendor gossip window wont close until you select `goodbye` so you can quickly select and receive each buff without having to re-open the gossip window.


you can add item entries and apply custom cost in the table for the item vendors.
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Mad Scientist
Yup ....... guilds can have cannons now.


Cannon's require a hall.
Now a guild member with access to the buy commands can now buy up to 3 cannon's per locations.
Cannon's will increase a locations value , but if they get killed/destroyed , they wont re-spawn.

limit per location can be adjusted Live in-game.



this requires both script and sql/db table update.

"!! It's a Cannon !!"
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Emulation Addict
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:248: attempt to call method 'GetId' (a nil value)
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:1614: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[1062] Duplicate entry '????' for key 'PRIMARY'
[1267] Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
Unhandled MySQL errno 1267. Unexpected behaviour possible.
commands for: Сссс : created.
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:248: attempt to call method 'GetId' (a nil value)
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:1614: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[1062] Duplicate entry '????' for key 'PRIMARY'
[1267] Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
Unhandled MySQL errno 1267. Unexpected behaviour possible.
commands for: Сссс : created.
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:248: attempt to call method 'GetId' (a nil value)
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:1614: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[1062] Duplicate entry '????' for key 'PRIMARY'
[1267] Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
Unhandled MySQL errno 1267. Unexpected behaviour possible.
commands for: Сссс : created.
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:248: attempt to call method 'GetId' (a nil value)


Mad Scientist
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:248: attempt to call method 'GetId' (a nil value)
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:1614: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[1062] Duplicate entry '????' for key 'PRIMARY'
[1267] Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
Unhandled MySQL errno 1267. Unexpected behaviour possible.
commands for: Сссс : created.
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:248: attempt to call method 'GetId' (a nil value)
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:1614: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[1062] Duplicate entry '????' for key 'PRIMARY'
[1267] Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
Unhandled MySQL errno 1267. Unexpected behaviour possible.
commands for: Сссс : created.
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:248: attempt to call method 'GetId' (a nil value)
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:1614: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[1062] Duplicate entry '????' for key 'PRIMARY'
[1267] Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
Unhandled MySQL errno 1267. Unexpected behaviour possible.
commands for: Сссс : created.
lua_scripts/Guild_Warz.lua:248: attempt to call method 'GetId' (a nil value)

what core are you using? Ace/Boost ?
what expansion? 335/434?

looks like you have 2 errors mixed together..
1. Trying to import a (latin1-swedish) into(utf8_general)
drop your guild_warz_xxx table Prior to grinding this in.
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Host:               
-- Server version:               5.5.9-log - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
-- Server OS:                    Win32
-- HeidiSQL Version:   
-- Grumboz Guild Warz            3.3.5a WotlK Eluna -- [COLOR="#DAA520"]<-- change if needed 335/434[/COLOR]
-- --------------------------------------------------------

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_warz_335`; -- [COLOR="#DAA520"]<-- change if needed 335/434[/COLOR]

USE `guild_warz_335`; -- [COLOR="#DAA520"]<-- change if needed 335/434[/COLOR]

  `guild` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `commands` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'commands',
  `info_loc` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'info',
  `list_loc` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'list',
  `tele` varchar(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'gtele',
  `version` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ver',
  `loc` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'area',
  `farm` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'farm',
  `barrack` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'barrack',
  `hall` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'hall',
  `pig` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pig',
  `guard` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'guard',
  `vendor1` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'vendor1',
  `vendor2` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'vendor2',
  `vendor3` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'vendor3',
  `cannon` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'cannon',
  `GLD_lvlb` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Minimum Required Guild member level to access Guild Master buy commands. Guild Master = 0 , anything over + is rank below Guild master.',
  `GLD_lvls` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Minimum Required Guild member level to access Guild Master sell commands. Guild Master = 0 , anything over + is rank below Guild master.',
  `respawn_flag` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'flag' COMMENT 'GM command spawns and assigns a flag to a guild owned area. will return an error if location is owned by SERVER',
  `details_loc` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'loc' COMMENT 'GM command gives more info about location.',
  `table` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'table' COMMENT 'GM command reloads GW table.',
  `GM_admin` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '4' COMMENT 'GM rank of server admin',
  `GM_minimum` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '3' COMMENT 'Minimum Required Gm security level to use GM level commands.',
  `currency` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '62006' COMMENT 'item id for currency used.',
  `loc_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '10' COMMENT 'price for basic empty zone.',
  `farm_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '5' COMMENT 'price for small cheezy government issued house.',
  `barrack_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '10' COMMENT 'price for small cheezy government issued house.',
  `hall_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'price for small cheezy government issued house.',
  `pig_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'price for one of these porkerz',
  `guard_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'how much is your back worth guarding?',
  `vendor1_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '25',
  `vendor2_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '25',
  `vendor3_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '25',
  `cannon_cost` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100',
  `farm_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'how many farms per location.',
  `barrack_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'how many barracks per location.',
  `hall_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'how many houses per location.',
  `pig_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '20' COMMENT 'how many pigs per farm.',
  `guard_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '10' COMMENT 'how many guards per location.',
  `vendor1_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `vendor2_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `vendor3_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `cannon_L` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '3',
  `pig_payz` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100000' COMMENT 'amount in copper that each pig payz. hence "pig payz". default 100000 = 10g ',
  `pig_payz_timer` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1800000' COMMENT 'timer for pig payz. default  1800000 = 30 minutes.',
  `gift_count` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '25' COMMENT 'how many of currency item to give to guildmaster of newly created guild.',
  `flag_require` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'does capturing a flag require killing all guards? default  == 0 no ; 1 == yes',
  `Server` varchar(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SERVER' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `flag_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '187432' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `farm_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '500000' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `barrack_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '500002' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `hall_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '500004' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `pig_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '49000' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `guard_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '49002' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `vendor1_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '49004' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `vendor2_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '49006' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `vendor3_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '49008' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `cannon_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '49010' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch',
  `command_set` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'set' COMMENT 'Do Not Touch ',
  `anarchy` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'pure GvG PvP no faction filter.',
  `f_timer` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'applies a cooldown-timer when a flag spaws. 0=off::1=on',
  `s_timer` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '300' COMMENT 'no-tag-flag timer cooldown time in seconds. i.e. 5 minutes = 300 seconds.',
  `guild_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'guild id',
  `guild_invite` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'guild invite system. 0 == off :: 1 == on',
  `color_1` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cff00cc00' COMMENT 'Command color GREEN',
  `color_2` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFFFF00' COMMENT 'Value color YELLOW',
  `color_3` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFFFFFF' COMMENT 'Info color WHITE',
  `color_4` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cff3399FF' COMMENT 'Alliance color BLUE',
  `color_5` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFF0000' COMMENT 'Horde color RED',
  `color_6` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFFFF00' COMMENT 'For Sale color YELLOW',
  `color_7` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFF0000' COMMENT 'LOCKED color RED',
  `color_8` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffC0C0C0' COMMENT 'Titles color GREY',
  `color_9` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cff000000' COMMENT 'Separators color BLACK',
  `color_10` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cff00cc00' COMMENT 'HELP Commands color GREEN',
  `color_11` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFFFF00' COMMENT 'HELP Description color YELLOW',
  `color_12` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFF0000' COMMENT 'SET Error color RED',
  `color_13` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFFFFFF' COMMENT 'SET Values color WHITE',
  `color_14` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cff00cc00' COMMENT 'Good Announcements color GREEN',
  `color_15` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '|cffFF0000' COMMENT 'Bad Annoucements RED',
  PRIMARY KEY (`guild`),
  UNIQUE KEY `guild` (`guild`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='version 1.76';

REPLACE INTO `commands` (`guild`, `commands`, `info_loc`, `list_loc`, `tele`, `version`, `loc`, `farm`, `barrack`, `hall`, `pig`, `guard`, `vendor1`, `vendor2`, `vendor3`, `cannon`, `GLD_lvlb`, `GLD_lvls`, `respawn_flag`, `details_loc`, `table`, `GM_admin`, `GM_minimum`, `currency`, `loc_cost`, `farm_cost`, `barrack_cost`, `hall_cost`, `pig_cost`, `guard_cost`, `vendor1_cost`, `vendor2_cost`, `vendor3_cost`, `cannon_cost`, `farm_L`, `barrack_L`, `hall_L`, `pig_L`, `guard_L`, `vendor1_L`, `vendor2_L`, `vendor3_L`, `cannon_L`, `pig_payz`, `pig_payz_timer`, `gift_count`, `flag_require`, `Server`, `flag_id`, `farm_id`, `barrack_id`, `hall_id`, `pig_id`, `guard_id`, `vendor1_id`, `vendor2_id`, `vendor3_id`, `cannon_id`, `command_set`, `anarchy`, `f_timer`, `s_timer`, `guild_id`, `guild_invite`, `color_1`, `color_2`, `color_3`, `color_4`, `color_5`, `color_6`, `color_7`, `color_8`, `color_9`, `color_10`, `color_11`, `color_12`, `color_13`, `color_14`, `color_15`) VALUES
('SERVER', 'commands', 'info', 'list', 'gtele', 'ver', 'area', 'farm', 'barrack', 'hall', 'pig', 'guard', 'vendor1', 'vendor2', 'vendor3', 'cannon', 0, 0, 'flag', 'loc', 'table', 5, 4, 62006, 10, 5, 10, 100, 1, 1, 25, 25, 25, 100, 1, 1, 1, 20, 10, 1, 1, 1, 3, 100000, 1800000, 25, 0, 'SERVER', 187432, 500000, 500002, 500004, 49000, 49002, 49004, 49006, 49008, 49010, 'set', 1, 0, 300, 0, 0, '|cff00cc00', '|cffFFFF00', '|cffFFFFFF', '|cff3399FF', '|cffFF0000', '|cffFFFF00', '|cffFF0000', '|cffC0C0C0', '|cff000000', '|cff00cc00', '|cffFFFF00', '|cffFF0000', '|cffFFFFFF', '|cff00cc00', '|cffFF0000');

  `entry` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `description` varchar(1028) NOT NULL,
  `example` varchar(1028) NOT NULL,
  `command_level` varchar(1028) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`entry`),
  UNIQUE KEY `entry` (`entry`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='version 1.76';

REPLACE INTO `help` (`entry`, `name`, `description`, `example`, `command_level`) VALUES
	(1, 'guild', 'Guild name for command entry . non-modifyable >>>>>DO NOT CHANGE<<<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(2, 'commands', 'produces a list of accessible commands by level.', 'set commands comm', '1'),
	(3, 'info_loc', 'produces a basic description of current location.', 'set info_loc look', '1'),
	(4, 'list_loc', 'produces a list of all locations own by player guild sshowing the loocation id, houses, guards, pigs, and value then provides a tally at the end.', 'set list_loc lands', '1'),
	(5, 'tele', 'allows guild members to teleport to guild location flags using location id\'s.', 'set tele goto', '1'),
	(6, 'version', 'allows player to view the system versions.', 'set version intelect', '1'),
	(7, 'loc', 'Word used to identify a guild location to support buy/sell.', 'set loc area', '4'),
	(8, 'farm', 'Word used to identify a guild farm to support buy/sell.', 'set farm mudhole', '4'),
	(9, 'barrack', 'Word used to identify a guild barrack to support buy/sell.', 'set barrack home', '4'),
	(10, 'hall', 'Word used to identify a guild hall to support buy/sell.', 'set hall tower', '4'),
	(11, 'pig', 'Word used to identify a guild pig to support buy/sell.', 'set pig piggy', '4'),
	(12, 'guard', 'Word used to identify a guild guard to support buy/sell.', 'set guard guard', '4'),
	(13, 'vendor1', 'Word used to identify a guild vendor1 to support buy/sell.', 'set vendor1 buffer', '4'),
	(14, 'vendor2', 'Word used to identify a guild vendor2 to support buy/sell.', 'set vendor2 gearer', '4'),
	(15, 'vendor3', 'Word used to identify a guild vendor3 to support buy/sell.', 'set vendor3 fun', '4'),
	(16, 'cannon', 'Word used to identify a guild cannon to support buy/sell.', 'set cannon gun', '4'),
	(17, 'buy', 'allows guild member to buy.', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(18, 'sell', 'allows guild member to sell.', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(19, 'GLD_lvlb', 'allows rank x access to guild master buy commands. guildmaster==0 any number above 0 is a lower guild rank i.e. officer==1.', 'set GLD_lvlb 2', '4'),
	(20, 'GLD_lvls', 'allows rank x access to guild master sell commands. same as LGD_lvlb guild master == 0 officer == 1 etc.. etc..etc...', 'set GLD_lvls 1', '4'),
	(21, 'reset loc', 'allows GM of minimum rank to reset a location onwner to "SERVER" and able to be purchased.', 'LOCKED', '5'),
	(22, 'reset farm', 'allows GM of minimum rank to reset house count of a location to 0', 'LOCKED', '5'),
	(23, 'reset barrack', 'allows GM of minimum rank to reset barrack count of a location to 0', 'LOCKED', '5'),
	(24, 'reset hall', 'allows GM of minimum rank to reset hall count of a location to 0', 'LOCKED', '5'),
	(25, 'reset pig', 'allows GM of minimum rank to reset pig countof a location to 0', 'LOCKED', '5'),
	(26, 'reset guard', 'allows GM of minimum rank to reset guard count of a location to 0', 'LOCKED', '5'),
	(27, 'reset vendor3', 'allows GM of minimum rank to reset vendor_3 count of a location to 0', 'LOCKED', '5'),
	(28, 'respawn flag', 'allows GM of minimum rank to spawn a missing flag and bind it to current location. if location owned by "SERVER" then an error WILL happen.', 'LOCKED', '5'),
	(29, 'details_loc', 'allows a GM of minimum rank to list detailed information about current location.', 'set details_loc sniff', '5'),
	(30, 'table', 'allows a GM of minimum rank to re-load all the guild warrz tables', 'set table brain', '5'),
	(31, 'GM_admin', 'system setting for GM rank of ADMIN acct.', 'set GM_admin 5', '6'),
	(32, 'GM_minimum', 'system setting for GM required minimum rank to access GM commands.', 'set GM_minimum 3', '6'),
	(33, 'currency', 'system setting>>CANNOT BE CHANGED<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(34, 'loc_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency is required to purchase a basic empty location.', 'set loc_cost 10', '6'),
	(35, 'farm_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency to buy 1 house', 'set house_cost 5', '6'),
	(36, 'barrack_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency to buy 1 barrack', 'set barrack_cost 10', '6'),
	(37, 'hall_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency to buy 1 hall', 'set hall_cost 100', '6'),
	(38, 'pig_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency to buy 1 guild pig.', 'set pig_cost 1', '6'),
	(39, 'guard_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency to buy 1 guard.', 'set guard_cost 1', '6'),
	(40, 'vendor1_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency to buy vendor 1.', 'set vendor1_cost 30', '6'),
	(41, 'vendor2_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency to buy vendor 2.', 'set vendor2_cost 30', '6'),
	(42, 'cannon_cost', 'system setting how much x of currency to buy a cannon.', 'set cannon_cost 30', '6'),
	(43, 'farm_L', 'system setting limit how many farms per location', 'set farm_L 1', '6'),
	(44, 'barrack_L', 'system setting limit how many barracks per farm', 'set barrack_L 1', '6'),
	(45, 'hall_L', 'system setting limit how many halls per location', 'set hall_L 1', '6'),
	(46, 'pig_L', 'system setting limit how may pigs per farm.', 'set pig_L 20', '6'),
	(47, 'guard_L', 'system setting limit how many guards per barrack.', 'set guard_L 10', '6'),
	(48, 'vendor1_L', 'system setting limit how many buff vendors per location.', 'set vendor1_L 2', '6'),
	(49, 'vendor2_L', 'system setting limit how many buff vendors per location.', 'set vendor2_L 2', '6'),
	(50, 'cannon_L', 'system setting limit how many buff vendors per location.', 'set cannon_L 2', '6'),
	(51, 'pig_payz', 'system setting how much each pig payz in copper per half hour. 10g == 100000', 'set pig_payz 100000', '6'),
	(52, 'pig_payz_timer', 'system setting timer for pig payz.', 'set pig_payz 1800000', '6'),
	(53, 'gift_count', 'system setting how much currency to gift to newly created guilds.', 'set gift_count 25', '6'),
	(54, 'flag_require', 'system setting switch does system require all guards dead to capture flag? default == 0 no; 1 == yes', 'set flag_require 1', '6'),
	(55, 'Server', 'game core ID for guild ID storage of game master level commands  >>>>> DO NOT CHANGE  <<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(56, 'flag_id', 'game core ID for ally flag id >>>>>DO NOT CHANGE<<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(57, 'farm_id', 'game core ID for guild house id >>>>>DO NOT CHANGE<<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(58, 'barrack_id', 'game core ID for guild barrack id >>>>>DO NOT CHANGE<<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(59, 'hall_id', 'game core ID for guild hall id >>>>>DO NOT CHANGE<<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(60, 'pig_id', 'game core ID for guild pig id >>>>>DO NOT CHANGE<<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(61, 'guard_id', 'game core ID for guild guard id >>>>>DO NOT CHANGE<<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(62, 'vendor1_id', 'game core ID for vendor1 id', 'LOCKED', '6'),
	(63, 'vendor2_id', 'game core ID for vendor2 id', 'LOCKED', '6'),
	(64, 'cannon_id', 'game core ID for cannon id', 'LOCKED', '6'),
	(65, 'command_set', 'game core command for modifying custom commands   >>>>>DO NOT CHANGE<<<<<', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(66, 'lock', 'ADMIN command to lock an area from purchase.', 'LOCKED', '6'),
	(67, 'anarchy', 'game core setting allows same team invasions . 0 = off :: 1 = on', 'set anarchy 1', '6'),
	(68, 'f_timer', 'no-tag-flag system  0 = off :: 1 = on', 'set f_timer 1', '6'),
	(69, 's_timer', 'no-tag-flag-timer time in ms.', 'set s_timer 180000', '6'),
	(70, 'guild_id', 'guild id', 'LOCKED', '7'),
	(71, 'guild_invite', 'Guild Level Setting. Guild invite system 0 == off :: 1 == on // default on.', 'set guild_invite 1', '4'),
	(72, 'color_1', 'command color GuildMaster Level', 'set color_1 cff000000', '4'),
	(73, 'color_2', 'Setting Value color  GuildMaster Level', 'set color_2 cff000000', '4'),
	(74, 'color_3', 'Info color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_3 cff000000', '4'),
	(75, 'color_4', 'Alliance color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_4 cff000000', '4'),
	(76, 'color_5', 'Horde color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_5 cff000000', '4'),
	(77, 'color_6', 'For Sale color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_6 cff000000', '4'),
	(78, 'color_7', 'LOCKED color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_7 cff000000', '4'),
	(79, 'color_8', 'Titles color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_8 cff000000', '4'),
	(80, 'color_9', 'Separator color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_9 cff000000', '4'),
	(81, 'color_10', 'Help Commands color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_10 cff000000', '4'),
	(82, 'color_11', 'Help Description color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_11 cff000000', '4'),
	(83, 'color_12', 'Set Error color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_12 cff000000', '4'),
	(84, 'color_13', 'Set Values color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_13 cff000000', '4'),
	(85, 'color_14', 'Good Announcements  color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_14 cff000000', '4'),
	(86, 'color_15', 'Bad Announcements  color  GuildMaster Level HEX CODE', 'set color_15 cff000000', '4');

  `entry` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `map_id` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `area_id` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `zone_id` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `guild_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SERVER',
  `team` smallint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '2',
  `x` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `y` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `z` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `farm_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `barrack_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `hall_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pig_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `guard_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `vendor1_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `vendor2_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `vendor3_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `cannon_count` tinyint(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `flag_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `fs_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'game time (in seconds) when the flag was spawned.',
  `guild_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'guild id',
  PRIMARY KEY (`entry`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='version 1.76';

REPLACE INTO `zones` (`entry`, `map_id`, `area_id`, `zone_id`, `guild_name`, `team`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `farm_count`, `barrack_count`, `hall_count`, `pig_count`, `guard_count`, `vendor1_count`, `vendor2_count`, `vendor3_count`, `cannon_count`, `flag_id`, `fs_time`, `guild_id`) VALUES
(1, 0, 0, 0, 'SERVER', 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

This should grind in fine under utf8_general. First make sure you DROP your existing `guild_warz_xxx` DataBase before you grind this one in.

2. Once we fix this we can move onto why guild:GetId() doesn't work.
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Mad Scientist
yea i'm expecting if we fix the query error's then everything else will pop into place .

Update 3-12-2015:
cleaned up a lot of multiple method calls and transferred them into variables.
added a feature to the guild teleport command that allows the GM's with the minimum required rank to be able to teleport to any location by id as long as they have there gm tag on.

Update 5-10:
added Guild Vault's and Mailbox's:

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Mad Scientist
ok last updates where Updating the script and sql's to support the latest Core with Boost rev.
And added the ability for Guild Masters to access the Guild Crest customizing screen by clicking any of there Guild guards.

The last discussion we were having was about flags resembling the guild's crest.
ok yes it can be done buuuttttt:
I would have to create a skin for every possible combination of crest/crest color/background color/trim/trim color......
hypothetical : if there are 10 crest pic's of 20 colors with 10 trim pic's of 20 colors would require 200 GO skins..
then I would need to make a method `guild:GetTabardID()` that would return an id for a specific combination of choices for a guild tabard layout.
this id could then be used to key a specific GO that uses a display_id that will represent that Guild's crest.
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Mad Scientist
ok FYI I am developing a C++ version but it wont be for a while till it's complete and ready for the public.
here are some SS tho lol







-- updated 1-20-2016 --

and it's finished :D
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Hey guy's Got a little update for this for the LATEST trinitycore rev

sql files:
View attachment sql.zip

The Sql files in this zip changes your database so PLEASE look over it and make sure before you add it to your database.


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Mad Scientist

I see that u can spam chat when you see a vendor that is not of your guild and it tells evildoer

Anyways its pretty awesome

Tnx :thumbupguy:

was going to try and have the non-combat vendors slap the player or something but went with the response instead lol
maybe I will have it do random list of responses.
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